Return to Santa Carla

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Chapter beta'd by exaigon on Fanfiction.Net


Stopping for gas, Marko hopped out of the backseat of the car.

"Finally, it's so cramped in there," he groaned.

He stretched exaggeratedly before glancing over at Michael with a grin as Sam and Nanook exited the backseat and started bugging Lucy for a snack.

"Your turn."

Michael rolled his eyes. "Yeah I know."

The two had decided to take turns riding their bikes as a way to not only conserve space for their things when they first packed, but also to give them some much needed space.

At first, Lucy wasn't keen on the idea as she didn't like those 'death machines' as she called them. Seeing as they were switching out, so they weren't likely to get too tired, it wasn't so bad. And it really did leave them more space for their stuff. Still, she had tried to convince them to only bring one bike. Neither boy was having that as the idea of sharing their bikes wasn't one they would entertain. No, they had to share many things in their lives, but they drew a line when it came to their bikes.

Throwing his sketchpad back into his backpack, he zipped it up before tossing it into the backseat. He wasn't worried that his brothers would bother it as his drawings mostly creeped them out, thus it kept them away.

The blonde twin saw Michael hauling his bike off the trailer to replace it with his own and while he busied himself with securing it, Marko bounced over to his bike and nearly hugged it.

"Oh, how I missed you! Yes, I have," he cooed and petted it like an animal much to Michael's amusement.

While not as nice as his bike had been as a vampire, he was still proud of it and it was faster than Michael's bike. Though, his twin would only protest saying that it was only because he didn't have death wish so he wouldn't push his bike like that. Marko had to hold back a snort and a comment about how he'd push it to impress a girl. Or maybe it was David he had or would try to impress. He never did find out but it hardly mattered.

Speaking of Michael, he was much more comfortable in the car than Marko was because the portion of the ride where he had to be in the family vehicle was suffocating to the once-upon-a-time vampire. It was enough to almost make him claustrophobic, but at least for a few hours the open road and fresh air were all his.

Checking his gas, he decided it wouldn't hurt to add a bit more. Though he was running low on money due to this trip, he had no intention of getting a job again. While the blonde twin was filling up, Sam was munching on some chips with Nanook and feeling slightly down.

He understood why his parents split. Things hadn't been good in a while and then the whole cheating thing that everyone in the neighborhood knew about. Not to mention it got leaked to his school by someone. So yeah, a new school didn't sound so bad but why did they have to move all the way to nowhere's ville? Sam just didn't get why they couldn't move like an hour away to a different town. But no, they had to move in with their weird old grandpa who he'd only seen a handful of times in his life.

"He probably doesn't even have a tv..." He told Nanook sorrowfully. The dog just nudged his hand for another chip. "Fine, fine." He dropped another one into the husky's waiting mouth. "I see where your loyalties lie."

Sam's mind drifted back to the current issue as he pet his dog with one hand and ate with the other. He wasn't stupid. He knew they didn't have a lot of money but surely, they had enough to pay rent up front for the first month. Then once his mom got a job like she mentioned doing they'd be okay before the next rent came due. Even Mike could pitch in.

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