Halloween Snapshots

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Author's Notes: Happy Halloween!

This chapter is canon but skippable if you don't want to read it.

Chapter beta'd by exaigon on Fanfiction.Net


Michael was daydreaming.

Marko was distracted.

Sam was well... Sam.

Lucy knew something must've occurred at the boardwalk last night, though in Michael's case that something was obvious. Her eyes drifted to her youngest twin as she brought her coffee to her lips.

Call it mother's intuition but something more was bothering him.

She knew she'd not spent much time with her sons lately and that was even before the divorce happened. Lucy had thought she was keeping the family together then but now she knew better. The strain was more than noticeable.

Why hadn't she noticed it before then?

Marko's cereal was getting soggy. He would no doubt not be eating it now.

Michael didn't notice, too busy staring at his watch. A date? Already? Probably.

Her twins had a unique relationship but even now when her oldest was caught up in his own world they were closer than her and Marko.

If things were to get better between her and them then she would have to be the one to put in the effort otherwise she'd be lucky if Marko even called after he was able to move out. Michael would at least do that often... at least she thought so.

Her eyes went to Sam who was reading a comic at the table.

She should get onto him for it but... she'd let it go today.

Lucy still felt she had time with Sam and that their relationship had not suffered quite as much. Her oldest two would be leaving her soon though, she could feel it.

With that thought in mind she set down her coffee and pulled out a few pictures she'd found while unpacking the day before. They'd fallen out of an old fantasy book she'd once read to the twins.

"Look what I came across yesterday. Why, I haven't seen these pictures in years," Lucy told her boys while spreading the pictures in front of her.

Sam was the first to look up from his comic and he nearly let his cereal fall out of his mouth in laughter, "Oh look how cute you guys were!"

That got Michael's attention. "What!? Give me that." He snatched the photo Sam had just picked up.

Marko was still distracted.

"Yes, you too made the cutest little angels," Lucy agreed with a gleeful Sam.

The blonde twin's attention was pulled from stirring his soggy cereal as Michael nudged him.

"Do you remember this monstrosity?" He shoved the offending picture under the other's nose thus final pulling the teen from whatever thoughts had a hold on him.

Marko looked at the picture. Of course he remembered it.

"No, we were, like what, three in this," he lied as his mind drifted.


This was humiliating. It didn't matter that he was psychically only two years old, this was outrageous. Frankly, he was pissed and making sure everyone knew it.

"Aw come on, Marko my little angel, smile for the camera!" Lucy told the angry little toddler with a coo.

Fat chance.

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