Second Childhood

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Chapter beta'd by exaigon on Fanfiction.Net. Once again, I'd like to thank her for taking the time to fix up my mistakes.


"Michael tell your brother that I'm not drawing him a comic," the blonde-haired twin said entering their shared bedroom. Which at ten was frustrating, but it was only a three-bedroom house, so somebody had to share and, of course, it made sense for the twins to do so. At least, to everyone except Marko it did, but that was another frustration for another day.

Michael looked away from their record shelf to give a deadpan answer to his twin, "He's your brother too."

Marko rolled his eyes and shut the door in his younger brother's face getting a, "Hey, you jerk," in response followed by a loud cry of, "Mom, Marko shut me out again!"

Marko ignored both boys' words and walked over to their record collection.

"Put something on so I can pretend I didn't hear him."

The other boy shook his head. "That'll never work."

Still, the kid picked one out randomly and put it on the twins' record player, which they both agree was what they wanted for their shared birthday. While the blonde boy didn't much like all the sharing with Michael, it was really the only way he was going to get the music player short of waiting until he was old enough to make money for himself or saving up money he got for the next two Christmases. But it still would've ended up in their shared room and, thus, there was no way to keep Michael from using it, so might as well just ask for it for their birthday and be done with the hassle.

As glad as Marko was to have some music back, they each only got one record along with the record player and had since only acquired one more. They had to pile their shared money from doing yard work on it. That had been annoying, but he had to help otherwise Michael would've had complete say on what record they went with and while the other's taste in music wasn't as bad as their Mom's, it still could use some work in the once-vampire's opinion.

Marko turned it up and flopped down onto his bed and listened to Michael's choice, Foreigner. He wasn't surprised he put in his own record, but he was kind of surprised when the second song, 'Cold As Ice', started playing before the door opened revealing Lucy and Sam.

"Oh, honestly boys!" She walked over to the music box and turned down the volume. "Marko what did I tell you about shutting your brother out of your room?"

The curly haired boy looked over to Michael and said, "I didn't. He's right there."

Their mother huffed at his response, "You know I was talking about Sam."

Marko pasted a confused expression on his face and asked, "Who?"

It didn't impress Lucy. "That's not funny. Now be nice to your younger brother." She paused to glance at Michael, "Both of you."

"What'd I do?" Michael asked moodily before Lucy left with another quick warning to Marko via her eyes. Sam promptly grinned like he won a victory of some sort, but the elder blonde brother was determined to ignore his presence for the remainder of the day much to the younger brother's dismay.

Luckily his, less of a jerk in his opinion, older brother Michael played with him.


He had thought daycare and preschool were awful but, at least for the most part, he could do what he wanted. No, this was way worse. How had he forgotten what it was like to sit in one place behind a desk and listen to a teacher go on and on?

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