Teenhood Part 1

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This chapter is in 4 parts unlike on my other sites where it's in 2 parts, the first 2 parts will be put up together then then next 2 in a couple of days. Thanks again to my beta exaigon on FF.Net for looking at and correcting all 4 parts.


Marko was thirteen again and dealing with puberty a second time was no fun, but even worse than his own was that of his brother's, Michael.

The blonde twin could barely keep his eye from twitching as a lovesick Michael went on and on about whatever her name was for the hundredth time. Who knew that the boy took after his mother in the romantic department? Certainly not Marko, whom could barely stand his twin on a normal day and this most certainly wasn't a normal day. He really hoped they broke up soon for the sake of his sanity and so that he didn't murder his brother in his sleep.

It was more tempting than ever before. The once-vampire believed that he should get a medal for restraining himself.

It was about two weeks into what his mom called 'puppy love' and what Marko called disgusting. Michael and Rachel -he had heard her name so often by this point the teen couldn't forget it if he wanted to and yeah, he really did want to- caused two full weeks of torture before the younger of the two finally caught something interesting from his twin's incessant babbling.

"-and since she's Rachel's best friend I said I'd mention her to you."

Marko was sitting crossed legged on his bed on the opposite side of the room from his brother's bed, which said brother was lounging on when he stopped twirling his pencil and looked up from the untouched homework in his lap.

"Mention who?" He asked in response.

Michael huffed in annoyance before repeating himself, "Rhonda."

Marko blinked, trying to recall who that was but he drew a blank. "Sorry don't know her," he deadpanned, not sounding sorry at all.

The dark-haired twin frowned. "You've sat beside her in math class all year!"

Marko looked thoughtful for a minute and Michael thought he finally knew who he was talking about and then the teen opened his mouth again, "Nope don't know her. Why's this important again?"

He twirled his pencil absentmindedly before bringing it to his mouth to chew on the eraser.

Michael rolled his eyes. "Because she likes you for some weird reason."

For a moment he just stared at his twin before realizing the other boy wanted him to say something. He spoke around the eraser, "So?"

Marko was beyond ready to start tuning his brother out again as he finally decided what he was going to draw all over his homework; spiders. His teacher hated them. It could be funny. Maybe if he made them look real enough she might even scream before realizing they were drawn.

He had to get his entertainment somehow after all.

"She's Rachel's best friend so I said I'd put in a good word since you're my brother and all... So, can you at least try talking to her? Who knows you might actually find out that you like her too.

Marko nearly snorted but then a plan started to form. "Yeah, alright," he agreed.

Michael looked wary but happy. "Really? You'll give her a chance?"

"Sure, why not?" He grinned, and Michael had to push away the uneasy feeling.

"Great!" He jumped up from his bed and ran off to call his girlfriend and tell her the good news.

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