Random Encounters

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I had planned to have more chapters up after the last one to space out a Christmas themed one as I didn't want it back to back with the Halloween one. That said this one isn't Christmassy but I did add in a bit of them talking about past Christmases to make up for it. Anyway, have a wonderful Holiday!

Beta'd by the wonderful exaigon over on Fanfiction.Net


Marko's hand was moving across the page working on a now familiar drawing, a project that had been in the works for months now, so it hardly acquired his mind's focus. Which was good considering his mind was busy going over the previous night.

Mostly his own actions.

Because instead of dealing with the potential future threat to his once-brothers, the guys he spent more time with than anyone, his current family included... instead he trailed after his tw-Michael.

He followed him around all night to make sure he was safe. Not that he would have been able to do anything had Michael pissed off David now that the teenager thought about it... Kinda made his actions even more pointless.

He was too attached. If it came between choosing one family over the other Marko knew who he wanted to say he'd choose but that didn't make it true. Hell, he didn't know who he'd pick if push came to shove and that made him pissed off.

No one in his current family was vampire material. It didn't matter what Max said or if David thought that Michael was a killer deep down inside. Marko had lived with his brother long enough to know him better than David ever had or would.

So, no, Michael was no killer. A romantic oversized teddy bear would be most accurate.

Could he leave behind his human family to become a vampire? Of course. But could he let himself stand by while they suffered morality complexes during the half-vampire stage or even died? Unfortunately, he probably couldn't.

Damn them all, he mentally cursed.

His hand moved harshly with his thoughts and the result made him curse aloud before setting out to correct his mistake.

Marko wasn't cut out for all this heavy thinking and plotting stuff; that was more David's groove. He just wanted to be a vampire again and have fun. If only his family didn't complicate matters so much.

He might be able to keep his family from making contact with Max and the boys if they hadn't already but would that mean that he would have to give up on becoming a vampire? Was he willing to do that? No, he wasn't that selfless to give that up for their safety. But could he have it both ways?

Not likely.

He flipped the page deciding that he'd had enough of staring at that overly dramatic panel. It was time to move on... to the next scene. Shaking his head from those thoughts because he was in no way considering 'moving on' with his human life.

Though it was a possibility just not one he wanted to entertain.

If Max's infatuation was taken out of the equation then David would be the one who really decided on who was welcome amongst his boys. Sure he'd take into consideration the other's thoughts, but final decision would be his.

And Marko had no idea what his human self did before to get David's approval other than have a shit human life which was the only known requirement. Only Michael ever broke that rule. So that meant that it wasn't set in stone, right? Or was it just Michael that changed the rules... or perhaps it was Max?

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