~At the party~

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Tyler's P.O.V

Everything was blurry spots of light and silhouettes of drunken people staggering through the large crowds of people that were gathered at the "biggest party of the year." he leaned against the arm of a couch and sighed, rubbing his face with the palms of his hands, who had gotten him into this again? he tried to think back to before this party had started.. 

~totally not sad flashback oOoOOoo~

"Come on Tyler its gonna be great!" Brian, Craig and Evan had approached him on Wednesday telling him about an upcoming party, "you gotta come or we're all gonna die of boredom." Craig whined in a childish voice, Evan was nodding and telling Tyler about where it was and explaining some other things about the party. Tyler directed his attention to David and noticed that he seemed extremely withdrawn, he looked exhausted. 'Whats wrong with him? he looks like shit...' he thought to himself as he looked David up and down, he was clutching his arm and looking around timidly. He was snapped out of the trance when Evan clicked his fingers a few times in front of Tyler's face, "hey Tyler? you listening?" Tyler nodded his head rapidly and David gave him a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes, Evan jerked his head at David, "Daithi is gonna drive us home, he says he wont be drinking alcohol for a while." He said with a smile and a pat on David's shoulder. David winced and looked at Tyler with a plea in his eyes, the seed of doubt in David's well being grew to the size of a tree, 'i need to know.. he wouldn't want me to but fuck it' he spoke up. "David what the fuck is wrong? you look like a wreck..." he trailed off and Daithi stared up at Tyler with wild fear in his eyes and shook his head slightly, Evan piped up from his position next to David, "he's just tired, he was up making videos all night so he didn't get any sleep. isn't that right David?" Daithi nodded and smiled,  but Tyler wasn't convinced... 'what the FUCK did he do to him..' Tyler thought as he glared at Evan, who smiled back with a smug grin. Tyler huffed and looked away, "fine, but i'm not getting so drunk i can't see straight, got it?" he said with a poisonous look at Evan, Evan nodded and Craig looked extremely confused. He shrugged it off and started to walk towards the car, with David and Evan in tow.

~i lied its sad oOoOoO~

Tyler shook his head, trying to clear his vision, but a splitting pain his his head made him wince, this was a horrible idea..

he looked around the room he was in, decidedly telling himself it was a lounge room before his regal blue eyes locked onto familiar mahogany ones, and he felt a stab of fear, because as they locked eyes, Evan walked up to David with a slurred voice and a staggering walk, he clung onto Daithi by his shirt and attempted to kiss him, David pushed him away gently but Evan still kept trying, Tyler heard David yell at Evan "get off me ya bastard!" and he pushed him away forcefully, Evan glared at David and made his may towards him menacingly and David cowered back while Tyler strode purposefully across the room towards them, he stood in between Evan and David just when Evan lurched forward at him. Tyler caught Evan by the shoulders and shoved him back, "Back Off." he said, it came out more like a snarl and Evan cowered backwards when he saw Tyler, "O-okay man chill..." Tyler sighed and looked back to see if Daithi was alright, when he turned around David looked up at him in wonder, Tyler helped him up and was met with a tight hug, "Thankyou Tyler.." he muttered and Tyler returned the favour with a quick hug...

Tyler thought he imagined Daithi whisper, "i love you..." before he collapsed in Tyler's arms.

hey guys.. authors note..

sorry for that evil plot twist, i hate myself for writing it like this.. but every story needs a bad guy.. right?


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