•So What?•

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Tyler's P.O.V~
"What the fuck you guys? Since when were you two together?" Lui demanded and crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow at us, we were still hugging each other, I looked at David and he looked uncomfortable. So I stood back and glared at Lui, "Does it really matter? What's wrong with us being together?" I asked angrily, Lui scoffed, "Well it might get awkward or something, if you two break up then who will we play Gmod with?" Brian looked extremely angry and he put his hand on Lui's shoulder, "Dude, do you seriously only care about games? They're happy, isn't that what matters?" Lui shrugged him off and stood back "It isn't that, I just don't think it's a good idea that's all. But if they want to be together that's fine, now if that conversation is over we're going home now, if you two are done. We're carpooling so David, Ryan and I are driving." David nodded slowly and I gave his hand a squeeze and I whispered to him quietly, "Don't listen to him, he's just moody." I said and he smiled at me. As we made our way to the car I saw Brian walking with his head down, I nudged him with my shoulder and he looked up at me. "Thankyou Brian, for sticking up for us." He nodded and shrugged, "Someone had to, Lui is being kinda selfish." He said and yawned, he hopped into Lui's car and Evan followed, David and I headed for his car while Ryan, Luke and Jon headed for Ryan's car. As I got into the passengers seat and we all started off for Lui's house I saw the group of teenagers again and I flipped he bird at them before sinking lower into my chair. I only realised how exhausted I was when I started to doze off.

David's P.O.V~
When we were about halfway home I heard light snores coming from beside me, I smiled and pulled into Lui's driveway.
When I got out I picked up Tyler and carried him bridal style to the couch, where I put him down and pulled a blanket over him.
I made my way to the kitchen and sat down, the guys sat around the table and I propped my chin on my hand, Lui was glaring at me, Evan still wouldn't look at me , Brian sighed and looked for an exit just in case, Jon was at the doorway, Luke and ohm were sitting there looking even more uncomfortable than before and Craig sat down near the opposite side of the table. Lui cleared his throat and began to speak..
This is gonna take a while and I'm lazy so time skip~

I nodded to what he was saying and yawned, I forgot most of what they said but I heard "Always knew you were as straight as a string.." muttered from Craig. When Lui finished talking I yawned and he said that everyone should sleep. We all headed to our designated areas and I sat on the couch cross legged with Tyler's head on my lap, Brian and I talked quietly and asked each other questions. "Hey Brian, from Irish to Irish, can you tell me, do you have a 'crush' on anyone?" And he nodded, "Who is it?" I asked excitedly and he shook his head, "That wasn't part of the question." He said and I sighed, he yawned and looked blearily at me, "I think I'm gonna get some shuteye, goodnight David.." he said before curling up and sleeping, I played down and Tyler snuggled up to my chest, I sighed again and sat for about half an hour, thinking about the future, before drifting into a long, dreamless sleep..

Yeet, sorry for the late update guys, I have big plans for the next chapter though, so hold on tight!

The only way to heal a broken heart (Daithi de wildcat/iAmNogla)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن