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Brian's P.O.V~
This was gonna be fun.. I had just made reservations at a local restaurant for Tyler and David, this was going to be the best surprise date ever! I had just hung up when Tyler walked back in from the kktchen, cradling David in his arms bridal-style, I made kissy nlises at them and Tyler glared at me, Lui walked in behind Tyler and sat in front of his TV, grabbing a controller and tossing one at me. I caught it and sat down next to Lui, we both logged into a GTA V server and started a survival game mode. Behind us, Tyler had layed David down and pulled a blanket over him, lightly kissing him on the forehead when Lui wasn't looking. I smirked at him and he flipped the bird at me, before heading to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. Lui shouldered me and i reverted my attention back to the game, after a few rounds Jon and Evan walked downstairs with twin yawns, they both laughed and headed to the kitchen, i heard glass smash against tiles and beside me lui flinched, he paused the game and we both headed to the kitchen, we saw that Tyler had dropped a porcelain mug and was trying to clean it up. He hissed in pain as a mug shard cut his hand and he looked at Lui apologetically, "sorry Lui.. I can pay for a new one." he said and Lui sighed, "Don't worry, that wasn't very valuable, you don't need to pay for it." Lui said with a smile planted on hjs face, he bent down to help Tyler clean up the mess. "I'll just keep playing solo." I told Lui and he nodded, i walked back to the lounge room where Craig sat perched on the opposite end of the couch from David, he looked concerned and guilty, "Craig what's wrong? You look like you just kicked a kitten." i said with a slight tease in my tone, Craig looked up at me and he exhaled loudly, "I'm just feeling sad for David, i mean, if that was me I'd be mortified, i can't believe he was cutting himself, do you know why he was?" He said and opened his eyes curiously and i shook my head, "No, but i know Evan has something to do with it." i said and he zoned out, thinking. I shrugged and sat down, playing on the game solo, before Tyler came back with a bandaged hand and he was followed by Lui, Jon and Evan.
I can figure things out later, but for now I'll just let everyone calm their tits before i go and start drama again..

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