•Let's play a game•

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David's P.O.V~
I looked at where Tyler was looking and shook my head at him,  surprisingly he nodded and sat back,  looking deep in thought.
I felt disappointed with myself for feeling so mad at him and everyone else in the process, I looked at the guys around me "can I have a little room please?" I asked with a small laugh and they all immediately backed away, I smiled gratefully at them and sat down in a comfy recliner and sighed. 
Lui suddenly cleared his throat and spoke up,  "I actually brought everyone here today to bond a little bit,  you've all been so distant so I thought it would be nice to get some of the group back together!" he directed it at everyone sitting around the large living room,  with a wide smile,  he also spoke in his squeaker voice which I hadn't heard since the last time I played Gmod with everyone, it was nice meeting up with everyone again..

Third person P.O.V~
Lui decided that they all start by rotating in a circle and asking a person of their choice a question that they have to answer truthfully and honestly, David got nervous because as soon as Lui finished explaining how the game worked,  everyone turned to look at him.
Lui went first and surprisingly didn't ask Daithi, he instead asked Jonathan,  "So when are you doing a face reveal? Or are you gonna P U S S Y out?" he asked,  exaggerating the letters with an audible teasing tone in his voice.
Jonathan sighed and replied with "I was hoping on doing one next year.. "
He said and mumbled at the end,  making it hard to hear him,  "Alright!" Lui yelped happily,  "now jon,  You need to ask someone who hasn't been asked yet. " he explained with a grin.
Jon shrugged and pointed at Craig,  he grinned evilly and said, "craig, what is your biggest fear?"
Craig gulped and slowly said,  ".. Bugs..  Like spiders and things.. " And delirious grinned,  "like the one above your head?" he said and started laughing when Craig squealed and scrambled backwards,  only to see nothing there, he flipped the bird at jon,  which made him laugh even more. He sighed and pointed at Tyler,  "Tyler,  why the fuck is there only fortnite on your channel anymore?" he demanded, and tyler shrugged, "its fun.. " he said and craig huffed, "fortnite sucks.. " Craig said and Tyler rolled his eyes before looking directly at David, "David, are you okay?.. " He asked and David tensed, "Yeah, I'm fine.. " He said with a sad smile,  Tyler got up and sat down directly in front of David and looked him straight in the eye.  "David you aren't okay, when I look at your face I see how empty you feel, I know what you did to yourself when I left and that was the biggest mistake of my life. Leaving you was obviously a tipping point and it was a selfish move, I'm so sorry.. "
Tears spring into David's eyes and he leaned into Tyler, hugging him tightly and sobbing into his shoulder, repeatedly whispering "im sorry.. "
The others were speechless and they looked at Daithi with a new sense of pity and fear,  realization dawned on them and they realized what Daithi had done. They all watched the scene of Tyler and David with tears in third eyes. They couldn't hear David muttering hushed "I love you's" into Tyler's chest,  Tyler whispered into David's ear so nobody could hear. "I love you too David, you're the light to my life and I can't believe that I ever survived without you.. " and with those words David's shoulders stopped shaking and he looked up into Tyler's eyes,  before Tyler leaned in to give him a quick kiss.

Hey what's up beautiful people~
So yeah, I just wanted to sprinkle a bit of happiness to the story because it was so sad,  I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

The only way to heal a broken heart (Daithi de wildcat/iAmNogla)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora