Chapter 2

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Two years later......

My boyfriend had bought tickets for this new local band tonight. I haven't heard that much about them, but some people from the university said they were stunning live. Excited about hearing live music again, he held my hand as we approached the hall of Imperial College, which wasn't that far away from Oxford. There was already quite a crowd as we went to the bar to buy drinks. I walked over to the middle of the hall, whilst Thomas was still at the bar.

The band came on, warming and setting everything up. The guitarist was tall, with long black-brown curls and he wore a long velvety black outfit, as he was tuning his burgundy guitar. The drummer was slightly shorter, an attractive blond haired man, wearing a coat with no sleeves that wasn't buttoned up, showing his chest. The singer had black hair and bold lips as his beautiful, smooth voice was coming through the speakers. He had the most extravagant outfit of them all, wearing tight trousers and black make up, one hand with black painted nails, the other one plain. But it was the bass player that was most captivating, he looked so familiar, I just couldn't put my finger to it. He had long brown hair and was wearing a waistcoat. He looked smart with his dark brown trousers and lighter brown shoes on as he was setting up his amp.

The concert began with a mystical intro, which sent shivers down everyone's spine, and then a rock number set the whole room jumping. Surprisingly, it was the drummer that was singing lead vocals for that song, belting the lyrics. When they finished performing one song, the whole room was electric. Thomas has his arms around me as I cheered out from the crowd. I could see the bass player staring at me for a split second, which made me jump in surprise. Then the next number came blaring out of the guitar and the whole room was jumping once again.

At the end of the concert, Thomas had found some of his mates from college so he had left me at the bar by myself. As I was drinking my glass of wine, I could see the band packing everything up. It was an incredible concert, could see how everyone was raving about them so much.


I turned around to see the bass player of Queen coming towards me, with a glass of beer in his hand. As soon as I heard his voice, I remembered who he was. I met him one time at King's Cross station when I was heading home after my first year. I smiled suddenly, feeling as if I was meeting an old friend.

"Hi. John isn't it?" I asked and he smiled away.

"Yeah, long time no see."

"I know. You never told me you could play the bass like that? That was impressive!" I winked at him which made him chuckle nervously.

"Well, you know. I hate bragging. But it is good to be in a serious band for once." He sat on the seat beside me and placed his glass down on the table.

"So I could see. How long have you all been playing together?"

"Well, the boys have been playing together for a couple of years. I only joined them last year."

"Wow, that's great. A recording contract yet?"

He laughed, shaking his head. "No, not yet. But it's good with the number of gigs we have at the moment."

He looked into my eyes, before blinking and picking up his drink. "So, how's things with you? You're in Oxford still right?"

"Unfortunately, yes." We both laughed until Thomas came over and put his arm around me. I could see John's face fall when he kissed my head.

"Sorry, you know how Rick is. Never stops yabbering on." He turned around and looked at John. "Oh, sorry, didn't know you had company!" He shook his hand.

"Yeah, Tom, this is my friend John Deacon who played bass tonight. John, this is my boyfriend, Thomas Cooke."

"Nice to meet you." John said quietly.

"Likewise! Your riffs were incredible tonight, the way the whole band gelled together was killer!" Thomas yelled. I could tell he had a couple too many beers tonight.

"Oh well, thanks. I'll let the boys know, we have a new fan." John said, giving out a false laugh.

"Sure thing." Thomas slurred. "Darling, Rick says he's having a party tonight with the lads. Is it ok if I can go?"

"Of course. Just make sure you don't embarrass yourself now." I said, messing up his hair.

"Will you be fine walking home yourself?" He said, moving his head close. His breath stank of alcohol. I hated it when he was drunk.

"I'll be fine. Go, I'll be heading home afterwards anyway." I said, kissing his cheek. "Now go, you're making me feel sick with your smelly breath."

"Love you too darling!" He yelled as he stumbled out the hall.

John sat there awkwardly, trying not to laugh.

"I'm sorry. He's usually a calm, peaceful guy. But give him alcohol and he's off." We both laughed.

"Don't worry about it, I'm usually the same." John giggled, before clearing his throat.

"If you don't mind me asking, how long have you two been...?" And he stopped to take a sip of his drink.

"A couple? Well, we've been steady for two months." I said, sighing whilst saying it.

"Right. Well, as long as you're happy and having fun." He said, smiling at me. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes for a brief moment, before the drummer came walking over beside him.

"Deaky, what are you like? Chatting up all the ladies here! Leave some for us ok?" He has a rough texture to his voice, as he moved his fingers through his long blond hair.

"Roger, this is Melanie. Melanie, this is Roger Taylor, our loud and annoying drummer." I laughed as Roger stared at John, looking shocked.

"Excuse me, if there's one person that's slightly irritating, it's our resident bass player here! Sorry, nice to meet you, Melanie. Thanks for coming along." He said, shaking my hand.

"No problem, you guys were amazing tonight." I said, chuckling at the two musicians.

"Oh thank you. It has been two years of hard work. Maybe one day, we'll have a number one under our belts!" Roger exclaimed.

"I wouldn't bet on it, Rog." John said, looking slightly bemused. I knew it was time to leave.

"Well, I better go. Maybe try to find the drunk boyfriend before heading back to my flat." I said, with a joking matter.

"Awww, she's taken?" Roger said, teasing John by placing his hand on his shoulder. "Oh well, maybe next time, Deaks!"

John hit him across the arm, looking embarrassed. I simply just nodded and shook both of their hands again.

"I'll hopefully see you guys next time you're playing in the area." I said, saying goodbye.

"Bye, Melanie. Hope you will." John said winking at me. I laughed as I eventually left the college, heading back to my flat.

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