Chapter 4

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Over the next few months, I saw John almost every day. We would meet up every morning, before walking to our individual colleges and then I would be invited to see the band record in their studio. We were becoming very close friends as we would tease each other silly. I also got to know Freddie and Brian pretty well. They introduced me to their girlfriends as they would also come into the studio, and we would have girly conversations about the boys behind their backs.

But it was Roger I also got to know very well. To be honest, I was attracted to him. The way he played his drums and his sexy voice always got me going. I was getting a hunch, that he also liked me as well, as we would flirt every time I saw him. But I kept my cool till after I sat my second year exams. I passed them which was amazing, it was also during that time when Queen finished their first album and had released it in stores. To celebrate, Brian was holding a party tonight in his college flat so I was getting ready.

I had put on a slim black dress and had tied up my brunette hair into a messy bun. I put on my red lipstick, not too much, but enough to give them some oomph. I put on my high heels and a fake leather jacket, kind of looking like a rock band's groupie. Well, I guess I was in that sense. I was allowed to invite a guest to come along with me. My flatmate Minnie, was a big fan of Queen so I thought this would be perfect for her. We were so close, people in our college would call us M&M as we were hardly ever apart. Almost like sisters in a way.

She was petite with short black wavy curls. Her brown eyes always made the men swoon when she walked in. She was wearing a tight purple dress, with a black cardigan. She was also wearing lipstick, but she could pull of the bright colours way more than I could.

"So, you going to make out with John tonight then?" She quizzed, smirking away.

"Eww. No! John's my friend, couldn't do that to him. Besides, there's someone else I quite like." I said, smiling.

"Oooh, spill!" She grabbed my arm and jumped up and down with excitement.

"Ok, it's Roger."

"Really? Roger Taylor, the drummer? Didn't think you were that close!" She was laughing.

"Actually, we have been flirting over the past few months. So I'm thinking maybe tonight can be the night." I said, winking at her.

We both giggled. We always talked about boys, it was her who introduced me to Thomas. She had someone for a brief spell, but her relationships only lasted for a month at a time.

"So can I have John tonight then? Because he is yummy!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, sure. I'm having Roger so he'll be available!"

There was a knock on the door as someone was waiting outside. "I'll get it. Who is it?" I called.

"It's John, let me in." His voice filled the room.

"It's open. Ooh, Minnie, this could be your chance." I winked at her and she blushed.

The door opened and John came in the room. He had his suit jacket and leather trousers on, his long brown hair behind his shoulders.

"Wow, Melanie. You look beautiful tonight." He smiled away.

"Thank you." I could hear Minnie clearing her throat as she stared at me.

"Oh, sorry. John, this is my flatmate, Minnie Wilkins. Minnie, this is my good friend who's a very talented bass player, John Deacon."

They shook hands. "Very nice to meet you, Minnie. Not named after Minnie Mouse are you?"

Minnie forced out a laugh which was hilarious to see. "I sure hope not!"

"Right. Well, we better go. Brian is wanting to see us before everyone else arrives." John said and we all went out the room.


The flat was heaving with people. Many of them were friends of the band, but some of them were even fans. Queen sure knew how to throw a party, some of the guests Freddie invited were a little bit on the extreme side. But at least Brian's flat wasn't getting trashed, he didn't mind.

I hanged around with Roger for most of the night, and I could see a definite connection between us. He kept giving me drinks and he would whisper in my ear, telling me jokes and stories about what happened in his college. Everything he said made me laugh and fall for him even more. Eventually, he took my hand and we went outside. He took out a cigarette and lit it, and then offered me one.

"No, thanks. I don't smoke." I said and he looked concerned.

"Oh, sorry. Do you want me to put it out or...?"

"No, it's fine. Needed some fresh air anyway." I winked at him and made my way to sit on a bench.

He soon followed me and sat pretty close beside me. He sighed as he took in some of his cigarette.

"Bloody racket in there. Mind you it is Brian's house!" We both laughed and I noticed he moved his arm around me.

"So, what's it like being a famous rock star then?" I said, in a flirtatious tone.

"Well, it does have its advantages." He put out his cigarette and then moved one of the hairs away from my face. "Meeting attractive women is always a plus."

"That's what you call flirting, Mr Taylor?" I giggled, but my heart was beating at 100 miles an hour.

"Think we've gone past that now, do you?"

We met each other's gaze as he placed his hand on my cheek and pulled me close. Our lips met as we passionately kissed. I placed my arms around his neck as he moved his hand, touching my thigh. As we pulled away, I could feel the heat and the spark between the two of us.

"Want to get out of here?" He whispered.

I nodded as he took my hand and we walked down the street. I turned my gaze, just to see John looking at me. At first I thought he looked hurt or jealous, but then I saw Minnie come running towards him and he wrapped his arms around her waist. I smiled back at him, before looking back at Roger's beautiful blue eyes as he placed his arm around me.

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