Chapter 6

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A loud knock on the door, woke us both up with a fright. My head was pounding as I was slowly waking up, trying to sit up on the bed. Roger did the same, kissing me on the cheek before rubbing his eyes.

"It's probably room service. If we stay here, they'll soon get the message."

I giggled quietly as I kissed him on the lips, wrapping my arms around his neck. His hair was all over the place, which made me laugh as I tried to tidy it up. We both jumped as the door was knocked on again.

"Roger? Melanie? Are you both awake?" We could hear Elizabeth's voice coming from outside. She sounded worried, scared even.

I got out of bed and put on my dressing gown.

"Does she realise it's 6 in the morning? We've only slept for four hours!" Roger moaned as I walked to the door and opened it.

Poor Elizabeth looked as white as a sheet, terrified as she was shaking all over but sort of relieved to see me by the door.

"Oh, thank goodness you're up." Her voice was shaky as I put my hands on her shoulders.

"Lizzie, what is it? What's wrong?" Roger came over to me as we looked at our friend, both starting to get worried.

"Brian...." Her voice trailed before she spoke again. "Brian collapsed."

"What?!" Roger sounded shocked.

"Oh God!" I said putting my hands on my head, and then gave Lizzie a quick cuddle. "What happened?"

"Well he was fine one minute when we woke up this morning. Next thing, just as I had my shower, he was on the ground, looking yellow and feeling sick all over. I was so scared, I didn't know what to do." She was starting to cry.

"Don't worry, it'll be ok." I said patting her on the back.

"I'll phone a doctor." Roger yelled from the back of the room where he was standing by the telephone.

"I'll go up with Lizzie to her room, we'll see you there." I said back to him, before I closed the door and began running down the corridor behind her.

"Who's with Brian at the moment?" I said, catching up with her.

"He's in bed. John and Minnie are in the room with him. I woke up Freddie and Eva, they're on their way and then I went over to wake up you and Roger." Elizabeth said as she opened the door.

As we ran in, we could see John and Minnie in the room, beside Brian as he lay there in his bed. Lizzie was right, he looked very unwell as his skin was completely yellow. His tired eyes looked at me as he tried to smile.

John came over and hugged me, with a look of relief on his face.

"We thought you were never going to come. Where's Roger?" He said, looking at me.

"He's ringing a doctor, who'll be here shortly I think." I said, hugging Minnie who also looked tired.

I then sat beside Brian. "What's happened to you then? Too much to drink last night?" I said and he laughed at me.

"I don't know, whatever it is, it doesn't feel too good." He said quietly, sounding pretty weak and tired. "Think I've scared everyone though, sorry that I made you wake up so early in the morning."

"Don't be silly!" I exclaimed, holding his hand. "As long as you're going to be ok, that's all that matters."

I winked at him which made him smile back at me. I then gave his hand to Lizzie who held it tight. John came over with a glass of water and placed it on the table beside him. We heard the door open as Freddie, Eva and Roger all came in at once.

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