Chapter 13

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I hardly slept at all that night. The guilt was killing me inside. Then the guilt was replaced with pure hurt and anger, that memory of seeing Roger and Minnie together was turning me into an emotional wreck. As I lay on my bed, I stared at the ceiling, so many thoughts rushing through my mind. The alarm clock ticked beside me, as I saw it was half 9 in the morning. I then looked at a photo was sitting next to the clock. It was after a Queen concert, and it was a picture of me and John from the after party. As we both smiled, I could see that he had his arm around my shoulder, as he held a drink in his other hand. I could then see by my side that Roger was pulling a funny face, sticking his tongue out. That photo had always made me laugh, everytime I looked at it, but not today. I held the photo frame and placed it facing down so that I couldn't see the photo. I tried not to cry any more tears as the memory was being replayed in my head a thousand times. I then realised, what I now had to do, so I got out of bed, got dressed and headed out the house.

My body began to shake with nerves when I approached the studio. What on earth am I going to say? To both Roger and John? As I went inside, I could see that Brian was tuning his Red Special in the studio. Freddie, Eva and Elizabeth were all talking to each other in the room next to it, when I walked in. There was no sign of Roger or John, so I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Oh, Melanie!" Lizzie ran over to me and hugged me tight. "Thank goodness you came here! I was getting worried!"

I giggled at her as I went to hug Eva. Freddie looked slightly hangover as he sat on the couch.

"Freddie, I'm so sorry about last night. I would've stayed but..."

"Listen, dear. Don't worry about it!" Freddie hugged me as well, his brown eyes glowing brightly.

"Party finished almost as soon as you left. Roger caused a bit of a scene afterwards." Eva stated.

I groaned. "Oh, God. What happened?"

"Well, he was really upset about the way he hurt you like that. Of course, he still remembers that he's betrayed you before. Anyway, he tried to push Minnie out the door, but it didn't work. Eventually things got a bit violent." Freddie's voice sounded serious.

"Both Fred and Brian tried to stop the fight, but it was all getting out of hand." Elizabeth added. "Eventually, Freddie's bodyguard escorted her out of the premises. Let's just say, we haven't heard from her since."

I placed my hands on my face in disbelief. As I did, Brian came into the room. I could see that his eye was all swollen and black and he had a big purple bruise on his arm. He looked absolutely shattered, but still smiled when he saw me.

"Hey! Are you alright?" He asked as he came over to join us.

"I should be asking you that!" I exclaimed, still shocked. "Oh my goodness, who did this to you? It wasn't him was it?"

Brian nodded and I gasped. "I tried to get him to try and make things up with you, but he wasn't having any of it, because he thought he had blown it. It wasn't just him though, Minnie was putting up a big fight, I was quite surprised. Mind you, I'm not really the violent person around here. It was Eva who was the tough cookie."

He laughed as Eva was holding out her arm, pretending to show her muscles.

"But you were amazing last night." Elizabeth put her arm around him and winked, beaming her gorgeous smile.

"Anyway, he left shortly after and the party sort of died as everyone was pretty shocked. At least Fred here, got to eat his birthday cake." He nodded at Freddie, chuckling.

"Oh it was beautiful! I could make love to it if I could!" He boldly announced which made everyone laugh out loud.

There was a bang as the door slammed shut. Roger stood there, at first looking angry. He had a black eye, nearly the same as Brian's. There were scratches on his face and he had a burst lip, that looked really intense and swollen. When he saw me, the mood suddenly changed.

"Melanie, I'm so glad you're here. Really I am." He tried to smile but he groaned in pain as he placed his hand on his lips.

I stared at him. This man had changed so much since the first time I had met him. He used to be caring, loving, was always the first person I talked to in the morning. But all of that seemed to have disappeared. I turned around to see that everyone else went into the studio leaving me and him alone.

"Melanie..." He rushed over to me and I took a couple of steps back.

"You're lucky I can be in the same room as you right now." I said, trying to sound cold.

"Mel, you have no idea how sorry I am. I didn't mean to hurt you this way. I didn't even know what I was doing, I was a complete mess last night."

"You sure were. If you thought snogging my best friend was going to solve all of our problems!"

"She kissed me, I tried to stop her."

"Yeah, sure you did."

"Honestly! Look, she means nothing to me whatsoever. It's you I love, always will do."

"Why do I find that so hard to believe? I mean I didn't hear from you for days, weeks even, you never call, I can't even remember the last time we kissed either! Ever since the band has become famous, you've changed!"

"No I haven't!"

"Yes you have! You used to be trustworthy, a beautiful romantic who would never leave my side. Now you're nothing but a violent, cheating hypocrite! It's like I don't even know who you are anymore!"

"That's ridiculous! You're not exactly an angel are you? Always spying on me, you can't trust me..."

"I think we know why! But no! Everything is always my fault is it? So I forced Minnie on you as some kind of guilt trip?"

"No, of course not! Look, I messed up and I'm sorry. Just please, say you'll forgive me. I don't want to lose you. Please. I love you." His voice sounded dry.

"I love you." His expression showed a glimmer of hope, but I soon spoke again. "But I don't trust you. And if there's no trust, it's never going to work."

"No, please! Don't do this! I can change, make it better."

"You changed too much already." My voice was beginning to fill with emotion. "I suppose we knew this should've been done a long time ago. I don't want to live through your lies anymore. I used to think, there could be a future, but now, there's nothing left."

We stood there in silence, as I was trying to avoid his gaze. He looked shocked. "Mel...."

"Nothing you can say will change anything. Suppose it's better if I stay away from the band anyway. Enjoy the limelight." I then ran out the studio and got on the first taxi I saw.

I could just see John walking inside as the taxi left the parking space and headed down the road. After 10 minutes, I was back at home. I ran over to the sofa, jumped on it and wept. I cuddled the pillow beside me, as I cried out every tear I had inside me. I felt as if I had lost everything. I've lost my boyfriend, I've lost both of my best friends, and that loss was tearing my other friends apart from me.

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