Chapter 12

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Saturday finally arrived and I was so excited to see everyone again. It was Freddie's birthday tonight as we were all going round to his brand new house for a party. Knowing Freddie, I knew this was going to be extravagant, filled with glitz and glamour, with a bit of dressing up as well. I found an old masquerade mask in the wardrobe, that matched with my purple dress. I then heard a car horn as Roger was waiting outside for me in his flash new Ferrari. It was the first time I had seen him in weeks, he didn't even bother to phone me whilst he was away with Queen touring. He wore his leather jacket and his dark shades as I got in the passenger seat beside him.

"You look great." He said, smiling away at me.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself." I poked him in the arm, winking at him at the same time as the car left the drive heading down the road.

We hardly spoke for the rest of the journey. He had put on his Led Zeppelin cassette on full blast which was starting to annoy me a little bit. He was also smoking whilst he was driving, he knew how much I hated cigarettes so it wasn't long before I told him off.

"Roger, do you mind not waving your cigarette in my face?" I moaned at him.

"Whatever you want, your highness." He said in a sarcastic tone. He was starting to get on my nerves.

"And do we have to listen to that music that loud? We'll be at a party filled with loud music anyway!"

"For God's sake, Mel! What's up with you?" He yelled at me suddenly.

"What's up with me? I haven't heard from you in weeks! Been trying to call the hotel, got no response. Spoke to John for like 5 minutes, but you? Oh no, you're too busy with 'stuff'."

"What, you spying on me now? You know I was busy with the band! I can have some time to myself you know!" After he shouted at me, we were quiet for around 10 minutes before I spoke again.

"You could've just called to say you were ok." I said quietly.

"Bloody hell. It's like having a babysitter rather than a girlfriend!" The angry roar in his voice scared me a little and we said nothing more.

I was so happy to get out of the car and into Freddie's house. It was massive, had so many bedrooms and bathrooms a rock star could want. The party was in the big hall, where it was filled with lights and people, all in fancy dress. I walked through the crowd, eventually seeing the birthday boy who was talking to Brian.

"Happy Birthday Fred!" I yelled and he turned around and grinned back at me.

"Hey, hey! It's our leading Melanie!" Freddie exclaimed, hugging me. "You made it, my dear, how wonderful! Say, that must've been some drive in Roger's new car eh?" He said nudging me.

"You have no idea." I said, sounding glum.

I went over to hug Brian who was holding Elizabeth's hand tightly.

"So how was the tour?" I asked the two of them.

"Fabulous! Just bundles of fun! Tell you what, next time you should come along with us." Freddie said, holding a drink in his hand.

"Yeah, you should." Brian said holding Lizzie. "Someone here, had a little too much fun one night!"

I could just see poor Elizabeth blushing under the blue light. "When you're in France, you got to try the French wine!"

"Yes, try being the key word there, dearie!" Freddie joked, making all of us laugh.

I could also see something else shining as the disco lights shone on a diamond ring on Lizzie's finger.

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