Chapter 17

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The concert was a smash hit. It was hard to control the crowd afterwards as they were just going crazy, especially after Roger took off his jacket and threw it out to them. Two girls were now starting to scrabble, fighting for the jacket which made the band laugh. We all went into a big hall downtown to meet up for the after party. Freddie invited a few friends of his, as there were many people in dressing up clothes, and so much booze, it could drown the Titanic.

I stood by the door, watching as John was signing a couple of autographs. Elizabeth came over and stood beside me.

"Hey. You ok?" She asked as I still looked at John.

"I don't know. I never seem to know anymore." I blinked and turned around to face her. "Sorry. So how's Brian?"

Elizabeth smiled from ear to ear. "I've never seen him so happy, he's talking to his parents right now."

"And?" I asked, waiting for the good news.

"They loved it. Absolutely loved it." She said happily.

"That's brilliant!" I exclaimed. "They should've loved it as well, never seen the boys in such good form since..."

My voice trailed, and she knew what I meant. I stared down at the floor, feeling tired and confused.

"You love him, don't you?" She nodded in the direction where John was standing.

"To be honest with you, Liz, I think I do." I sighed and she squealed a little.

"Well, go for it then!" She exclaimed.

"No!" I yelled, nearly making her jump. "I mean, not yet. I mean what is Roger going..."

"He is just going to have to accept it." Lizzie interrupted me. "Look, John means the world to you, and I can see that. You mean the world to him. You better go to him now, before it's too late."

I stood there, taking it all in, as John looked at me for a brief second and smiled from ear to ear. He gave out a little wave as I chuckled at him, my cheeks started to flash red.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks, Lizzie."

I hugged her and saw that Brian was coming over with an older couple, guessing that they were his mum and dad.

"Hey. This is Melanie Jones, good friend of the band. Melanie, these are my parents, Harold and Ruth May."

"Very nice to meet you." Ruth held out her hand for me to shake as did Harold.

"Likewise." I said, politely.

I then smiled as Brian went and put his arm around Lizzie, suddenly looking all nervous.

"And... well, I guess there's no easy way of saying this now." They looked at him, slightly worried as their son took in a deep breath. "Mum, dad, this is my fiancé, Elizabeth."

Ruth put her hands in front of her mouth in shock, nearly breaking down into tears. Harold took a step back in surprise but soon beamed from ear to ear as Elizabeth shook his hand.

"It's wonderful to meet you at last, Mr May." Elizabeth said. "Mrs May."

As she acknowledged them, Ruth held her hand to look at the diamond ring on her finger.

"Blimey, Harold, it is true!" She exclaimed, still in shock.

She hugged her son tightly, chuckling in delight. "My little boy is getting married! Oh, that's fantastic! Wow, it's all happening tonight!"

As she laughed, her husband held out his hand to shake Brian's. "Congratulations son. Proud of you."

Brian looked as if he was going to break down in tears, as he embraced his dad tightly. Elizabeth and I weren't that far behind him, as we saw how happy he was that he had finally made up with his parents. I winked at Elizabeth and she nodded back at me, getting what I was trying to say, as I went over to get the rest of the group to join us.

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