Chapter 15

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The day had finally come. I was heading to America with Queen once again. Brian and Elizabeth picked me up from my flat and then picked up Eva to take us all to the airport. At least Brian and Eva were both happy to see me again, and Lizzie was talking to me about how this tour was going to be so much better than the last one. I was excited to see them perform there once again, and was happy about the fact that I was going to see Freddie again.

I was still nervous though, when we got to the airport to meet with the boys, about how awkward it was going to be.

Roger just plainly nodded at me and then went outside for a cigarette break. It hurt me a little bit inside, to think he couldn't even speak to me now. John smiled as he saw me, which did make me blush a little.

"Right, my dears! Off to America, we fly!" Freddie cheered as we all grabbed our luggage and then eventually boarded the plane.

After around nine hours on the plane, we reached New York. Queen were performing at Madison Square Garden tomorrow evening. The plane journey was awkward to say the least. I sat beside Elizabeth and Brian the whole way and if it wasn't the fact that Roger was still not talking to me that was bad, it was the fact that sitting next to the smooching couple was making things worse. Eva sat on the seat alongside me so we talked for most of the way. I did see John as I headed for the bathroom on the plane. We did say hello and how are you to each other but that was about it. As I was in that cramped little bathroom, I thumped my head on the door. I groaned as I knew that this trip was a bad idea.

Now, we were travelling around New York City, passing by the Statue of Liberty, heading down the direction towards the Empire State Building. It was a beautiful place, filled with concrete roads and dazzling lights. Everyone who made it in music or theatre would dream to be here, and it was finally happening for our boys.

"My dears, isn't it dazzling?!" Freddie was loving every minute of it.

"Oh wow, look, Central Park is down that way!" Elizabeth pointed, excited as well as she was holding Brian's hand tightly.

I was standing beside Eva, who I was asking for some advice about Roger.

"Still nothing between you two? Well, why don't you try to talk to him alone. Try to make the peace with him. It's better to be friends than nothing at all."

"But, Eva, it's like talking to a brick wall with him, he just blanks me out. Don't think he even notices me now." I said, sounding glum.

"Mel, he's jealous at how well you look. He's regretting everything he did, which caused the break up. If you try talking to him, you're the dominant one, he'll listen. Trust me, I talked to Freddie and we sorted it. If we can sort out our problems, you two can surely sort out yours." She said, placing her hand on my shoulder.

"You're right." I said eventually. "Thanks."

I put my arm around her shoulder as we headed into Times Square. We all went into a restaurant to have our lunch. A whole lot of American Queen fans stopped the boys to ask for their autographs whilst us three girls got us a table to sit at. As the boys were getting swamped by screaming girls, Elizabeth took out a wedding catalogue that showed a lot of wedding dresses. Eva looked at me and groaned silently.

"Now, that we have some time alone, I really need your help to choose one of these dresses, I've narrowed it down to two. What do you think?" Lizzie asked.

As I looked at the catalogue, one dress looked like a massive meringue, it was big and clumpy. The other dress was more slimming and sophisticated, I could just picture her in that dress, which actually made me feel a little emotional for a moment, before I cleared my throat. I turned to see that Eva went to the bathroom leaving me and Lizzie alone.

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