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*trigger warning*

This chapter will be in James' point of view. Starting now the story will switch between points of views of the main characters. Keep in mind this is a fiction and romance story so the actions are not entirely ideal for reality.


It was another crazy day at the hospital, I had just graduated medical school at 25 and was starting my residency at Chicago Lakeshore Hospital.

Becoming a doctor was something I dreamed of being since my senior year of high school. My mom having stage 3 non small cell lung cancer, and not being able to help her was something that ate me alive since the day she passed away when I was 18 years old....she never saw me graduate high school.

Now, another milestone she also missed.

Seeing her deteriorate in front of my eyes as the years passed was heart breaking. Not being able to do much but be there for her and hope that every time you woke up in the morning she was still breathing. That you would wake up and still see her weak smile. That even though she was in pain she never once complained in front of you.

I had an older brother who could give a shit what happened to her as he always blamed her for the divorce with my dad. My dad, however, is a good father just not a great husband as work always came first to him. So I held no resentment towards him and my mother didn't either.

It was a hard day for me today at the hospital, I was assigned to be the emergency room doctor which was mostly assessing colds and some broken bones. I found it extremely tedious on top of annoying as it was not distracting enough for me to stop thinking that today is the anniversary of my moms death. 8 years have passed, I still have the memory of life leaving her eyes.

I was wrapping the 4th broken bone today finally reaching the end of my shift hoping to get home and get some sleep, when the head nurse Jackie, runs towards the sliding emergency room doors getting a gown on,

" Young girl, passed out on the street, diagnosis unknown. Can you take it or do I call Evans?"

Jackie is all business, don't let her petite frame fool you, her ginger hair was as fiery as her personality but she was the best nurse I have ever met with a kind heart and natural mother instincts.

I contemplated letting Old Man Evans take the case, I was exhausted and I was off in an hour but I knew this was fast paced and they needed me. I signaled for him to take over wrapping a cast for the 13 year old boy and ran towards the gown station, got ready and heard the ambulance sirens approaching.

We got outside and it was a typical cold Chicago night. The ambulance approached after a few minutes and this was it, time to work.

"Female, no ID, possibly between the age of 18-20 years old" said the paramedic as the pair of them pulled the patient out, "Vitals are okay, could be better, she is unconscious and you can smell the alcohol"

"Another junkie probably, she's dirty and was drinking in an alley and has multiple scars across her arms," said the other paramedic.

Once he said that I looked down at her as we wheeled her in.

My breath caught.

She was stunning.

Brown hair that was messy but still framed her delicate features, skin tanned and glowing despite her condition, you see a small crease between her brows possibly from frowning so much. Her full lips go with her beautiful angled face. She looks like an angel, a beautiful broken angel.

We wheeled her into the room and we began working on her. It is obvious she hasn't been eating well and for some reason my heart tugged at the thought.

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