Chapter 23: The End.

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I got to the house and scrambled to open the front door.


No response.



I hear the bathroom sink running and I get this feeling of dread fill my body. 

Please God, whatever happens. Don't let me lose her. 

I turn the doorknob but it was locked,

"Ava! Let me in!"

No response. 

I knock again and nothing, it's eerily quiet. 

Suddenly I find myself banging on the door, 

"Ava! I can explain! Please open this door!"

I try to remain calm but I can't help but panic with this gut feeling gnawing at my insides telling me to get in there now,

"AVA! Step back, I'm kicking this door down!"

I step back and with all I have, I kick the door down and am able to get in.

Once I see her, I feel everything and nothing. 

She was laying there, almost lifeless.

Blood soaking her clothes and running through the bathroom tiles.

God no. What have I done? 

"AVA! Oh my God!" 

I grab my phone and dial 911.

"Please hurry! My girlfriend just attempted suicide come quick!"

I give them my address and hang up, I rip off a piece of my t-shirt and wrap Ava's bleeding arm tightly. She's thankfully still breathing. 

I feel the tears spill as I sit down and grab her tiny cold body in my arms. 

It was like holding the thinnest piece of glass that can break at any moment.

"Please Ava, why, no.... God why, please please please" 

"J-James..." she says.

I look at her and begin to breakdown, she was ready to let go. I could tell from her eyes that she was so tired of this pain, but I needed her to hold on. 

"I...i love you, I don't want to leave you," she says as I see the life leaving her eyes.

"Don't leave me then....please Ava...p..please, fight and stay with me. Fight and love me, fight for us and stay alive, please" 

Her breathing is labored and she looks up at me and smiles, 

"Okay" she says when she suddenly closes her eyes and her body goes limp.

"Av...Ava.." I say as I begin to shake her, "Ava..." 

I check her pulse,


I hold her close to me hoping that any warmth will come back to her and she will suddenly wake up, 

"God no please no....AVA!" I yell as I hear the paramedics coming in behind me.

"P..please.." I whisper, " love you.."

The love of my life.

Is dead.  


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                                                             THE END. 

or is it?

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