Chapter 16: DARKNESS

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*mature content* 


"The girl YOU'RE falling for? What the fuck!" Toby answers enraged at what I just confessed. "You just fucking met her and you think you're in love with her?" 

"I am" I say, looking over to her. He notices my gaze and covers my view. I roll my eyes as I run my hand through my hair and lean against the wall. 

"Look, I get that it's hard to believe, but I have never felt with anyone what I feel for her. She needs me just as much as I need her." I say.

Toby laughs and I clench my jaw trying not to punch him. 

"You don't love her, you see her as broken glass you want to glue together, a project you can assemble as your own, I don't see her that way. She has been close to breaking after everything she's been through, but she hasn't shattered. She's a breath of fresh air to me and I want to be hers too,"

I hadn't noticed how hard I was clenching my fist until he finished talking, 

"A project? I don't see her as a fucking project! I want her to stop living in the constant limbo of if she continues to fight or stops. I want her to hold on to me so I can be the one to save her! You slept with her knowing she's in pain, knowing she's vulnerable! Do you know what happened to her? She was beaten by some fucking prick and I took her in. I helped her!" 

Toby looks down almost in shame, hopefully realizing what I'm telling him. 

"Look, just let me take her to my house so my friend can question her about the incident, I'll have her back here later tonight." 

Toby looks at me, eyes misted and then looks at Ava. 

"Okay, just let her sleep." He walks towards her and lifts her head as he sits down so her head can be on his lap. I roll my eyes and sink to the floor as I text Jonathan to let him know I'm going to bring her to my house so he can question her. 


A while later, Ava left with James. She wanted me to go with her but I needed to get ready for work. 

I felt this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was going to go wrong with them and I couldn't shake it off as I showered. 

Everything that happened today also ran heavy on my shoulders, James telling me about Ava being beaten and then me taking advantage of her in this state

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Everything that happened today also ran heavy on my shoulders, James telling me about Ava being beaten and then me taking advantage of her in this state. But I knew deep down she did love me...I just didn't know how much. 

I turned the shower off and got ready, today I worked a late shift and it was already close to the time when I finished eating some cereal for a late lunch. 

I grabbed my jacket and headed to the restaurant. 


"WHAT THE FUCK happened to your face," the grumpy short bald dude says also known as my boss. 

"It's nothing, I just got in a stupid drunk fight." I say trying to pass him so I can get ready to wait tables.

"You're not going out like that, come back when your face looks better kid." he says scoffing. 

I scrunch my brows, "C'mon Vlad, I need this shift!" 

"Work as many extras as you want later but today you're not working. Now go, don't want people thinking I hire fucking delinquents" he turns and goes inside his office.

Fucking piece of shit doctor, first my girl, now my job.

I turn and leave, seething with anger. I needed the distraction tonight after what a shit show the day was, not to mention the fucking money. "FUCK!" I yell as I cross the street. 

Something was wrong, I could feel it. I reach for my phone and start dialing the number Ava would use to call me at James' house. 

"Fucking doctor and his fucking-" 

I hear a loud horn and turn to see a car coming way too fast to stop, I brace myself for the impact, I feel the hard hit as I say, 


And then, 



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The phone kept ringing as I sat there looking at my hands, I couldn't believe this was happening.

I finally got tired of the phone going off so I grabbed it and walked towards James' room to answer, 

"Hello?" I say, leaning against the wall.

"Hello, is this Ava?"


"I'm calling from St. Mary's hospital...."

I block out the last sentences she speaks and drop the phone as I feel my heart finally shatter in a way I didn't think was possible, 



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