Chapter 1

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I can't help, but smile even if my taxi driver smelt like trash. I see the familiar streets I'd walk down with my friends and Uncle. Hard to believe I'll be starting my first day with them and will be joining the FBI BAU special unit.

My god father Aaron Hotchner has been purposely keeping my spot open, so I can be the one to join the team. The missing link as my uncle Jason Gideon would say.

My cab pulled up front as I climb out finally being able to catch my breath. I make my way up the elevator and as the doors open.

"You're here!" I hear a Penelope Garcia, tech analysis, say as she scoops me in her arms.

Next I am tackled with hugs from everyone else. Once Elle released me I see my blonde best friend waiting for me.

"JJ," I say.

"Tin," she says using my nickname as we share a long hug.

Jennifer Jureau or as a lot of call her JJ has been my best friend ever since I was 4 years old. We were neighbors when I lived in Pennsylvania. I moved but her and I stayed close ever since.

"My turn," Spencer says as I am scooped into his arms.

I can't help, but blush as I see my Uncle Jason Gideon and Aaron Hotchner who we all call Hotch come to view.

"There's my favorite niece," Uncle Jason says.

"Hi," I say as his familiar smell of pine is met with my nose.

Uncle Jason and Uncle David both raised me ever since my parents disappeared on I as a kid. They've put me through school, college, and my dream of being in the BAU.

"Well Kristine are you ready for your first case?" Hotch asks.

I nod as I follow everyone to the circle room.

"Two 9 year old boys bodies were found face down and with a blunt force trauma to the head," JJ tells us as she shows us the pictures.

"Looks like a bat or possibly a near by object could've done this," I suggest.

"The unsub must know the woods as well," Derek adds.

"Any connections?" Spencer asks.

"Only that they went to the same school,"  JJ responds.

"Alright wheels up in 30," Hotch tells us.

We smile as we make our way onto the plane. I being the first one and Spencer following behind me. I am met with his smiling face as always I'm the only person who he lets rest on his shoulder which I love doing.

"How does it feel to finally be on the team?" Spencer asks me.

"Amazing, but if only my first case didn't involve kids," I respond as I lift my head up looking at him more.

"Hey, I am sure we'll find whoever is doing this," Spencer replies as he wraps his arms around me and placing a blanket over our laps.

"What's up guys?" Derek asks out of nowhere as he jumps in front of us.

"AHH!" We both yell as we jump.

"That's it I quit," I respond about to get up.

"No," Spencer says as he gently pulls me in the chair.

"Is there something going on?" JJ asks us.

"We're just friends," Spencer replies.

"Really good friends," I say as Hotch, Uncle Jason, and Elle join us for the briefing.

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