Chapter 9

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"To my baby girl and my most promising student,

I am sorry it has to be like this. Just know I am rooting for you both from a far. Hoping you'll have better luck, but hold on to what you both have and let that be the strength..." I read aloud the letter uncle left for us at his cabin.

I look at Spencer who I can tell this is effecting him the most for he doesn't like change.

"Hey," I say as I walk up behind him as he was looking at uncles chess set.

"He didn't even say goodbye," Spencer says.

"It's just his way of healing don't worry we'll see him again," I tell him as I hug him from behind which he tries to lay into my arms.

"I never realized how short you were," Spencer says.

"Hey," I say as he turns around and wrapping his arms around my waist while I rest my hand on his chest where I lay my head.

"I like it though," Spencer comments trying to save himself as my phone rings and so does Spencer's.

"Hello," I answer as he does the same.

"Can meet us here we will fill you in on the case once you get here," Hotch says.

"On our way," I tell him as I look at Spencer.

"Duty calls," Spencer says as we leave.

We soon get on the plane.

"Katie Jacobs was seen at the mall and disappeared at the shopping center in Potamac Mills, Virginia," Hotch tells us.

"Is this related to the last missing victim,?" I ask Hotch as I see the picture of the last girl.

"We won't know till we land," Hotch says as we do where we walk into the mall.

Where everyone who was there are in the food court while the family on the other side of the mall.

"Hi I'm agent Hotchner my team and I will help you," Hotch says.

"Hi Jeremy I'm Agent Dato how would you like to come with me and my friend Dr.Spencer Reid here?" I ask him.

Jeremy nods as he follows Spencer, Derek and I.

"Hope you ready to get owned," I tell him as we go to one of the zombie shooting games.

"You play?" Jeremy asks.

"You'll have to see," I respond as we start.

"So are you and your cousin Katie close?" Derek asks.

"Kind of she'd come over a lot, but she's like a annoying sister to me," Jeremy says.

"What happened here with Katie?" Spencer asks him. "The last thing that happened."

"I was playing a game which I can hear screaming scared of the game, but I was too focus on the game and the girls that came over," Jeremy says.  "I turned my attention towards them and the next I heard someone call for her and she stopped crying."

"Is it normal for her to leave with a stranger?" I ask him.

"No she'll only leave if she knows who they are," Jeremy responds.

"Maybe left with the parents or her aunt or uncle," I hear Spencer whisper to Derek.

"Wooh and owned," I say as I beat him.

"How can a girl like you beat me?" Jeremy asks.

"Kristine here is one of a kind," Derek responds for me.

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