Chapter 12

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Spencer POV

"Can you tell me which is the serial killer?" Gideon asks the class and its deja vu all over again as he looks at me smiling.

"The one in the middle," I respond.

"Correct Dr Spencer Reid," Gideon says as the bell rings and everyone leaves.

"It's good to see you," Spencer says as he gives me a hug.

"How's Kristine is she okay?" Gideon asks.

"She's good," I respond as I pull out the box. "I just wanted to ask for your permission."

Gideon smiles as I open it. "My boy you've had my permission ever since the day you two met."

I sigh in relief and Gideon gives me a hug.

"Thank you," I say as I leave and go making my way to quantico where I can't help, but smile as I see her laughing and just smiling.

"Hey you," she says as her eyes meets mine.

"Hi," I say as I give her a small peck on the lips.

Kristine POV

"Where'd you go this morning?" I ask him.

"That's for me to know and for you find out," Spencer says right as Hotch calls us into the circle room.

I watch him follow Morgan as I look at JJ and Emily. "Do you know what that was about?"

They both shake there heads as we make our way into the circle room which I take my seat next to Spencer.

"There's been recent attacks," JJ says as we see someone waiting for the train then suddenly shot as the unsub speeds off.

"Where is this?" I ask.

"New York which we should head over now wheels up in thirty," Hotch says as we get on the plane and head over.

"I'm excited I've never been to New York," Spencer says.

"Really?" Derek asks.

"I love New York especially all the Broadway plays, the lights, and just..." I respond as I look out the window.

"Sadly we aren't here for a good time," JJ comments as we land and head to the station where I see.

"Kate?" I ask.

"No way this is your goddaughter," Kate says as she gives me a hug.

"Isn't she all grown up?" Hotch asks her.

"Very," Kate responds as we walk into the station to see. "This is detective cooper and detective brustin meet the BAU."

Brustin just shrugged us as he walks off with attitude. Which I look at JJ which she and I have the same look.

"Alright JJ and Penelope go ahead set up the board. Kristine and Morgan go ahead check the last crimes scene. Reid and Rossi you're joining me and Kate checking the second. Emily and detective Cooper and Brustin the first scene," Hotch says as we head out.

We head to the subway station where we watch and look around. I can't help feeling like there's a ticking time bomb over all this.

Can't help getting this bad feeling as well.

"You okay?" Morgan asks me.

"I just have this bad feeling," I say as we get a call from Penelope.

"What's up baby girl?" Derrick asks answering the call just as we hear a shot go off on top of us.

I look at Derrick as we run up and only to see the dead body.

"He went up the stairs," someone says as Derrick and I go.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 22, 2022 ⏰

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