Chapter 6

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Today is those moments I never thought could and would happen especially for me. I always thought moments like this were only ones you hear in movies or read in books.

"Good morning," I hear him say as he comes in our room then coming to me as he kiss my shoulder.

"Spencer," I say as I turn laying on my back to see him smiling at me. "That tickles."

Spencer laughs as he bends down meeting my lips giving me a small kiss and says. "Happy 2 years Anniversary."

"Happy 2 years," I respond as I see a cute breakfast waiting on our dresser. "Is that for me?"

Spencer nods as he goes grabs it as sit up in time for him to place it over me. 

"You are too good to me." I say as I see it has pancakes topped with strawberries and strawberry syrup, bacon, eggs, and a side of fruit with a mango peach smoothie.

"Well you are too good for me," Spencer responds as I feed him a piece of pancake.

"Presents after work?" I ask him.

Spencer nods as he goes and gets ready. I soon finish and join Spencer in the shower to see him smiling as I walk in.

I feel his lips meet mine as you already know what happens in there.

We soon get ready for work and walk in to Quantico to see a collage waiting for us on my desk.

"What is this?" I ask everyone.

"A little gift from all of us since you are working on your anniversary," JJ tells us.

I smile to see how much our group has changed.  Elle left us a few missions back now we have a new member Emily Prentiss. Who fits in perfectly especially to our little girl group.

"You guys are sweet," I comment.

"Thank you," Spencer says as he tucks it in my drawer.

"Now we have a case," JJ says as we all follow her to the circle room. "Past two weeks we've gotten this call."

"Raphael will save us all," the voice in a deep one speaks over the phone.

"Who this Raphael person hurt?" I ask her.

"A couple was found killed in their their home." JJ says as the pictures come up.

"He broken in through their home," Derek mentions.

"That being said wheels up in 30," Hotch says as we get up and I am the first one on the plane which I take using the restroom and pulling out the pregnancy sticks I bought.

"I'm so excited for this case," I hear Penelope cheer as I came out of the restroom .

I have a feeling I am, but honestly I hope I am for have spencer as the father would be great. I pee on it or try. I sneak my way out as I sit next to JJ hiding the test under my blanket.

I look under as JJ does to see her gasp as we both see it's positive.

"Shh," I tell her as we land and we all get to the station.

"Alright Kristine and Derek go check out the last scene," Hotch tells us. "Gideon, prentiss and I will go talk to the families or witnesses. Reid you and JJ set up here while Penelope you start setting up."

I follow Morgan to the scene and honestly it looks bad.

"He spent his time more with the woman then the male," I comment.

"It was an over kill," Derek adds as I go to the laptop.

"We better take it back to Garcia," I respond as Derek nods as we make our way back.

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