Chapter 7

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Gardens and meadows always brings a smile to my face. Forgetting all the darkness especially when I'm with the person that means everything to me as we pull up to our favorite meadow. Where beautiful purple flowers grow especially in the springs.

I turn to see him lost and mind clearly somewhere else.

"Spencer," I call to him which didn't call him out.

I see pull something else.

"Spencer!" I yell as I swat it out of his hand and see it's Dilaudid.

"Kristine," he says.

I didn't say anything else as I leave and head to the car where I wait for him as we drive home. I know after Tobias Hankel being drugged and almost dying has affected him, but it sucks more cause he told me he was getting better.

Once we got home. I grabbed my water cup.

"Kristine talk to me please," Spencer says which I still ignore him as I go in our room locking the door where I pack a bag.

I hear Spencer knock on the door. "I'm sorry. Please let's talk."

I didn't say anything as I open the door and he looks at me.

"Where are you going?" Spencer asks me confuse and clearly regret on his face.

"Somewhere," I say as I grab my keys only for him to grab my arms and wrap me in his arms.

"I messed up and I know that, but please let's talk," Spencer tells me.

"That's the thing Spencer we could've talked. You told me you were better," I reminded him as I turn and face him. "I know what happened to you sucked, but imagine what I saw. I saw you died and we lost the baby. I have been sucking up my tears and things I've been through to be there for you."

"I know you have and I'm trying to be better, but it's just addicting," Spencer tells me.

"Well till you figure out if you want your dilaudid or me. Give me a call when you do," I say only for him to grab my arm.

"I love you Kristine. You're the one I need and want please trust me," he says.

"You did it at our spot. Tobias hankel already took our baby didn't think he had taken you," I respond as I leave getting into the car crying not knowing where to go.

I go and check in a hotel. Where I hear my phone go off to see it Spencer.

I didn't answer as I get in my room. Unpack and call JJ.

"Hello," she says.

"JJ," I speak as the tears flow.

"Where are you?" She asked.

"The Hyatt fifth floor room 520," I reply.

"Okay give me a minute," JJ says.

Just like that I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey," JJ says as she gives me a hug.

We then called room service and just laid in bed.

"So what happened?" JJ asks.

"He's on Dilaudid," I respond.

"I thought he was getting better?" JJ asks me.

"So did I," I say as I hear my phone go off. "Hello."

"Hey K we have a case," Uncle Jason tells me.

"JJ and I are on the way," I respond as I look at JJ as we get ready.

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