F o u r

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It's 1:30 am  and I cant fucking sleep fml. This one has a major TW. I'm telling you guys, you gotta click off if you can't handle it.

David had always had a shitty home life.
His dad took everything out on him and sometimes his mother.

He knew that he should say sometime to someone at his school, but every time he tried, he couldn't get the words out.
Whenever someone asked what was wrong, he'd just say 'Nothing' and give a fake ass smile.
He showed up to school nearly every day with a new bruise, cut, or bandaid somewhere on his body. No mater the weather, he wore a sweatshirt. Most of the time it was that same, dark green sweatshirt.
David never showed himself to anyone on the weekends. He was always at home, doing chores or dealing with the wrath of his father.
No mater what his father did to David, he couldn't find the strength to fight back. Maybe it was the fact that if his father didn't take it all out on him, he'd take it out on his mother.
No mater how shitty it sounded, David wouldn't let it happen.
No mater how much of a bitch his mom was, he didn't want her to get hurt.

But then he met Gwen. She was 14 as well and was in most of David's classes. She and David became friends after a little while.
Gwen knew that something was up with David. Nobody else she knew wore a sweatshirt in 100 degree weather.
She noticed the strange looks kids and teachers gave David when he arrived late to class with his hood up every now and then.
But she never said anything to anyone until she was sure that something was up.

But one day, Gwen overheard 2 teachers talking about David.
"I don't know what to do, Meg." A male teacher with glasses and a mop of blonde hair pinched the bridge of his nose. "Somethings up with Greenwood."
The lady he was talking to spoke up. "Listen, it's probably just a phase." She obviously could care less (which is as shitty as it sounds)
"His grades are slipping and every day he's showing up late to class. Does that mean nothing?" The blonde was definitely concerned.
"Andrew, I'm telling you, it's probably a phase that he's going through right now. He's probably just a trouble maker."
Gwen slouched for a moment before putting her headphones in. 'They could've chose a different place to talk about a student...' She thought silently as she started heading towards her next class.
But that guy sort of brought up a good point to her. It's concerning when people's grades slip suddenly. And he's showing up to school late? 'Maybe it's just David starting to care less...' Gwen thought as she entered her next class which, coincidentally, was with David.

David gave her a small wave as she walked in from across the room then went back to looking out the window.
Gwen noticed something as they became friends. David was a lot more social with her than he was with anyone else.
She sat down in the back behind David as the teachers shushed them and started to teach.

A few minutes into class Davids phone rang. And the teacher looked directly at David. "Greenwood, do you mind?" David reached into his pockets and tried to click the power button the shut it off, but it didn't work.
"Sorry ma'am." David apologized quietly once the ringer stopped by itself. It rang again right after.
"Greenwood!" The teacher raised her voice and the whole class turned their attention to David. "It's an emergency contact." David defended himself and went to power off his phone.
"Take it, then." The teacher spoke up. "Right now."
David hesitantly clicked the green phone.
"Hello?" He spoke quietly. His father spoke into his end of the phone bitterly.
"Your Mom is probably dead." The man on the other end was obviously Intoxicated.
"W-Wait what? What happened?" David teared up on the spot. The whole class just stared at David, including the teacher.
He noticed and just straight up left. The teacher watched as he left and cleared her throat, getting the classes attention.
Gwen debated following David. She knew that David doesn't just tear up randomly. He wasn't that kind of guy.
"Suicide attempt." Davis's father spoke carelessly. David rushed out of the school and headed into the forest. He didn't go too deep though so he didn't get lost.
David hung up his phone and broke down, sliding down the tree. He buried his face into his knees and flipped his hood up.
Thought flooded his head with reasons why she would've done it. Although, it was a little clear of you knew David's situation.


After an hour of crying, David heard a few voices calling out to him. There was a teachers voice and a students. He recognized both of the voices. Gwen and their counselor, Ms.Pam.

He heard the two getting closer and closer and only tried to sink into himself. He felt like a part of him was violently torn away and burning right in front of him.

Gwen was the first one to notice David sitting against a tree.
"D-David?" Gwen spoke quietly, heading over to sit next to David. She sat down next to David when she didn't get a response.
Gwen couldn't see David's face, but she could tell David had been crying. She put her hand on his back slowly. He flinched, but didn't do anything else.
David didn't move anymore after that. He appreciated Gwen company, but didn't show it.
When Ms.Pam showed up, she crouched down on the other side of David.
She tried to get him to speak. Well, do anything. David's slim frame didn't move at all though.
"Gwen go to class." Their counselor spoke quietly.
Gwen looked worriedly at David and hoped that he would move. Do something. Anything.
She watched as Ms.Pam waited for her to move, but she didn't.
Gwen pulled David into a hug. She wasn't sure if that was what he needed, but just wanted to let David know that she was there.
David's finally moved, lifting his head up. Gwen slowly broke the contact she had with David, noticing how his eyes were red. "What happened?" Gwen asked, becoming anxious.
Ms.Pam sat there, listening quietly.
David shook his head and wiped his eyes, looking at the counselor. He didn't want to say anything with her around. He didn't trust her one bit.
The counselor took note, and slowly made her way back to the outskirts of the forest. She could still see the two, but couldn't hear them.
David pulled his knees up to his chest again, wrapping his arms around them.
"My m-mother..." David had trouble coming up with the words to say. "Damn it, Gwen..." He started to get choked up again.
"She's in t-the hospital." David finally managed to spit out, resisting the urge to break down again.
Gwen felt her heart sink to the ground beneath her. "David... I'm so so sorry." She said, her voice genuinely(?) sorrowful.
David let his legs unfold and he dropped his head to his hands.

"I just want to know what... what I did wrong.."

Continued in the next chapter

"You said you were ok..." ([Mainly]Depressed! David Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now