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Another half-thought.

Today was the day that the camp known as Camp Campbell was getting shut down. David wasn't crying, which surprised the campers, but the campers didn't want to leave. That surprised David the most.

"And here are our group of campers." Gwen lead a man towards the group of campers.
The man was wearing a black suit and his hair was slicked back. He stood proudly and gave the campers a small wave.

"Hello there, campers!" He spoke. His voice sounded... fake. The man introduced himself as Vincent.
"I'm happy to help you guys get to the camp you deserve to be at."

"Are you our new dad?" Space kid asked, poking Vincent's pant leg.

Vincent chuckled and shook his head as Nurf spoke up.

"What will happen to David and Gwen? Will they be fired?" Nurf asked, raising his fists in excitement.

"Well, Gwen's talents will be put to good use at Camp Corp." Vincent glanced over at David as he continued. "And David simply quit." The man grinned at David. It was a different kind of grin though. None of the Campers could identify it.

"Wait wait wait wait wait wait-" Max crawled up David. "You quit?!" He thought that this job meant everything to David.

"Yeah David you sure you didn't hit your head too hard?" Neil pitched in, confused himself.

David cleared his throat, ignoring the glance Vincent gave him. "I'm going to move back to Canada and then I'll go from there." He picked Max off of his shirt and sat him down.

"What are you going to do in Canada?" Harrison asked.
The Campers started to mutter to each other as Vincent chuckled. "You absolutely sure that you don't want to keep working for me? The job offers still up." He teased David.

David shook his head. "I'll keep it in mind. I'm going back to see my family for a bit though and maybe try and get a more active job. I don't want to sit around all day." He smiled slightly.

"Oh, David, you know that I meant something else." Vincent patted David's shoulder and headed over to the bus. "Everyone, get on the bus and David will settle Max's... situation."

Max glared at the business man and started walking down the path that lead back to the camp. Vincent just looked at the bubbly counselor, giving him a mocking glare.

Gwen noticed it though. Nobody else did. Nobody else thought she did.

David hesitantly started to follow after Max, not in any hurry. Gwen ran to catch up to him. She had no clue that David had quit until now.

"David!" She called out as she caught up to him. David gave her a small smile as he turned around to face her. Gwen could tell it wasn't a real one though.

"Why the fuck did you quit?" Gwen asked, concerned. "I thought that this job meant the world to you."

David hesitantly spoke, stopping. "I'm not working for that guy unless I absolutely have to."

"How come?" Gwen knew that David wasn't one to stay still in an office, but neither was she. That definitely wasn't it.

"I-I just can't, Gwen." He sighed. "I gotta just find someone else to work for. He's not going to be my boss again unless I absolutely have to come back to him. If I move back to Canada though I don't have to worry about him." David started to walk again.

Gwen sighed and followed David silently. As they caught up to Max, Gwen watched as the man in front of her took a deep breath, letting it go a few seconds later. She watched him go over the process a few more times before his shoulder lost tension.
Gwen realized she hit a sensitive spot and immodestly cursed herself out for it.

"Do you have an idea about where you want to go, Max?" David asked, his bubbly tone was replaced with worry.
"Is home an option?" Max asked quietly.

"Are you sure you really want to go home, Max? There's still a full 2 months left of summer!" David's tone started to change back to his normal one.

"Well I don't want to get stuck with some random fucking strangers again, David." Max spoke as if it was David's fault. David fell quiet and Gwen spoke up.
"I'll take him back if needed." She caught Max off guard.

"The fuck are you doing out here?" Max jumped, glaring at Gwen.
"My job." She mumbled, tapping her food.

"Just make up your mind so we can leave this dump." Gwen spat and turned on her heel, giving up on trying to pry from David.

Max suddenly broke for the forest, leaving David just standing there, watching after him.

This'll be continued at one point.

"You said you were ok..." ([Mainly]Depressed! David Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now