E l e v e n

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Max and David got kidnapped whoops
Hitman AU (Bent a little bit so David works at the camp and as a Hitman. I mean, he needs a way to cover up his murders some how)

This isn't angsty, just something I wanted to write.

I was watching the 2nd purge when I thought of this uh-


David's eyes shot open.
He wasn't exactly where he was or why he was here.
All that he knew that it was dark.
He squinted and tried to force his eyes to adjust to the darkness.
Then David realized that his hands were duct taped together as he tried to push himself off of the ground. His legs were too.


It took a second to realize that he was underground, and a small wave of panic shot over him.

Davids eyes eventually adjusted, though, due to the Tv static on the Tv coming from the corner.
And what he saw wasn't exactly a pleasant sight.

Max was there. He seemed to be fine though, despite being taped up and thrown in a corner.

He was struggling in the corner, kicking his legs and flailing his arms in an attempt to get out of the tape.

David went to call out to small boy, but his mouth was taped shut.

'What the heck is going on?'  David thought to himself as he looked around. He didn't try to get out of the tape yet.
He's been in a similar situation while working before.

And obviously, David got out of it. David always found a way out of everything. No matter what the challenge. Hopefully.

Max seemed to hear David's muffled yell, and he went still. He sat up and made brief eye contact with the 24 year old.

David seemed not panicked at all seeing the boy, but more motivated than anything.

He started to move his lips under the duct tape, trying to get it off. Once David felt it get looser, he pushed his shoulder against his mouth to get the tape off.

To David's relief, it worked. The tape hung from one side of his mouth.

He hesitated a moment, looking around for a door.
"Max, I'll get us out of this. Just give me a second." David spoke quietly and quickly.

Max had never heard David use such a calm tone before, and it was calming to him. He would never admit it, though.

David used the wall he was leaning against to push himself up, managing to get on his feet.

The ginger raised his taped hands above his head with his wrists tightly pushed together, and brought them down quickly across his waist. David did it multiple times, and eventually, the tape split in half.

The males eyes lit up and he started working at his feet. David sat back down and took a shoelace off of his right boot.

David looped shoelace around the duct tape, brought the two ends up to his chest, and began sawing at it.

He wasn't regretting the extra classes he took all those years ago at the moment.

Max watched with curious eyes. He was surprised that David was getting out of the tape with practically no struggle.

David offered Max a small smile and the tape split at his feet. He stretched, then rushed over to the little boy.

David carefully pealed the tape from Max's mouth, tossing it to the side.

"Oh thank fucking god." Max let out a sigh of relief, opening and closing his mouth.

David hushed him, beginning to use his shoelace to saw at the tape around Max's heals.

It would've been harder for David to get the tape around Max's wrists off, so he decided he'd get that done once they were safe.

Max stood up immediately as David finished sawing the tape in half, standing up.

"Let's get the fuck out of here."

"Not so fast." A voice cut in, causing David to flinch.

David spun around, instinctively pushing Max behind him.

"Daniel?!" David was surprised even though he shouldn't have been.

"David?!" The blonde mimicked, taking a strop towards the two.

"It seems as if you've escaped your little restraints..." Daniel tapped his chin. "That's not very good."

Max was about to speak, but he couldn't squeeze words out of his big mouth. He could only watch.

"What do you want with us?" David's voice sounded... cold?

"Well I only want something from you."

"And that would be?" David waited impatiently for an answer.

"Max." Daniel laughed, pulling out his knife from his back pocket. "That should've been obvious by now."

David tensed up a moment seeing the knifed but remembered something.

This was life or death.
Not a crime scene cover up.

Max noticed the way David suddenly became more alert. It was strange seeing his Camp Counselor that way, considering he was always a happy, oblivious man.

Max was slowly starting to realize that wasn't entirely true.

"I guess I'm just going to have to get through you first, David." David played with the tip of his knife. "I don't know how I'm going to explain this to boss, though. He's pretty fond of you-" Daniel got ready to pounce. "I guess I'll just be getting a promotion."

Daniel charged at David, and well, it was short lived.

David close lined the blonde, causing Daniel to land straight on his back, temporarily knocking the wind out of him.

David tore the knife from Daniels limp hand and turned to Max.

"Give me your hands." David commanded.
Max obeyed, and David sliced the duct tape into two.
"Go run back to camp and tell Gwen to call the police."

Max took off to a ladder that he assumed lead up and out of the cellar, and well, he was right.

But Daniel grabbed Max's foot as the boy tried to get by, causing him to fall onto his face.

"Oh no you don't! I'm not finished yet!" Daniel growled.

David kicked Daniels back, forcing his ribs into the cement below. Daniel winced and yelled out, feeling a bone crack in his ribs.

Max pushed himself off of the ground and stumbled to the latter, pulling himself up it.

David was quick to follow in pursuit, making sure Daniel didn't get up from where he lied.

Once the two got to the top, they were both exhausted.

"What the fuck, Camp Man? Where'd you learn that shit?" Max instantly blurted, slamming the door to the cellar and locking it behind David.

"Language." David heaved out. "I took a class a couple years ago."

Max pinched the bridge of his nose. "Of course you did." And he sighed.

David stood up tall again. "Let's get back to the camp and call the police."

David pushed Max forward gently, and when they got to the camp, they informed the police of the situation.

And they took care of it all.

Happy Halloween.

I'm posting this on my short story account. Sue me.

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