The Crash

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Hi, me again. I'm sorry but I think, if anyone actually reads my book, I'll try a post as soon as I can but at most will be a week for updates. I won't post every day because I know I can't do that but I won't post super soon often that you expect one every 2 days. So can go now.

I woke up, the sun peeking behind my curtains, and sat up. That's weird, no nightmare at all. Maybe I'm just overthinking this morning. I untangled myself from the blankets and stretched out. I stood up from my spot and let out a small yawn.

I searched through my covers and pulled out my school uniform. Yes, uniform. All the schools around here are too preppy and I hate it, but I still have to go to school. The uniform consisted of a white button-up with a blue and white striped tie and a blue skirt that had a white stripe around the hem.

I didn't mention the full body mirror in this tree room and that's because it blends with the wood in the dark light. It has a lot of burn marks on and around it from trying to survive in a home of fire elementals. After I got dressed, I looked in the mirror.

I saw cuts and scars poking out or visibly shown from how the uniform is. I pull down on the sleeves of my shirt but it's no use. I look around for some matching tights so they could at least cover my legs, and put those on. I grab my tennis shoes and slip them on before grabbing my messenger bag.

I take a final look in the mirror but notice something. A silver locket was hanging around my neck. But I swore I put it on my desk before I slept. I believe in fate but this is too much. I decide to just ignore it and make my way out of my room.

I make my way down the tree and just jump down the rest of the way. Being an elemental means you don't feel as much pain as a mortal, I just call them that, but still enough that jumping from that height will cause a limp for a few minutes.

Yep. I limp walk for a bit avoiding the hunting grounds of multiple predators, and I eventually make it near the suburbs of the town. I take a moment, still in the forest, to undo my hair and comb my fingers through it. I don't have any bangs so I just grab a big strand of hair to cover my left eye.

Yeah, not only am I a 'mortal' in an elemental family. I have a pure black eye, my family discriminates me for those things and I've just had to hide my eye. I tie the rest of my hair in a low ponytail and continue my way to school.

I estimate another few blocks until I reach school so I decide to start running. I reach a street I need to cross so I look both ways as I slow to a stop. I walk across the road but hear something off... like a car coming straight towards me!

I quickly look to my left and see a familiar car. It's and older elements student, a junior to be exact, also known as one of my bullies, Jared. And he's coming straight at me, looking determined to run me over. I try running before I'm killed but I already feel the force of the car hitting me.

Everything feels like it's going in slow motion as I'm flung to the side of the road and my back slams against a tree trunk as I hear laughter speeding by me. My vision is covered in black dots as I try and stay awake. Come on, you can stay awake. Don't fall asleep no matter what happens. If you fall asleep...

My breathing is heavy as I fight my eyelids to stay open and I lay on the sidewalk for a few minutes. I figured that if I didn't get up now, I'd be late for school. Causing a call to ask where I am from my parents, police search or something, and a whole load of explaining to mortal police.

I get up slowly but...shouldn't it hurt a lot more if I was hit by a car! I start limping my way to school and progressively go to a steady walk which was strange. By the time I arrive at a school, I feel pretty fine and go to the bathroom to check for scratches and injuries.

I enter silently praying no one is in there and fortunately, no one is. Drop my bag next to a sink and look into the mirror. There's nothing out of place and I don't see any scratches. I don't see any blood just my hair messed up. Weird. Quickly, I fix my hair back to the low ponytail with the strand in front of my face.

I'm about to look away when I see something catch my eye. I look back in the mirror to see a faint purple glow lining the shape on the locket, I can see it more clearly now. The wolf howling is in the center but there's a border around the edge.

On that border are the symbols of fire, water, earth, and air in the old magic language. Suddenly, I realize something very important.


I was up in my room with my ear pressed against the floorboards of my room. It's Christmas Eve, a day I deeply despise. It's around 8 in the afternoon and I can hear my mother about to tell a story to my almost year younger brother.

I turned 7 a few months ago, another year I've survived. I could hear my mother begin the story and listened in closer. This was the one chance a year that I could hear about life as an element or about the wars.

Long, long ago, when the first generation of elements was born, a select few were given gifts to have immense power among an element. Though instead of our usual and known main 4, fire, water, earth, and air, there was another one. Light! It contained all 4 elements and even more, though not even pure light is perfect for it also had a bit of shadow magic.

These gifts that contained these powers came in the form of rings and/or bracelets while light had a locket. The few that had these powers had to oversee the realm and solve conflicts that come between other elements such as the war between fire and water.

Soon, I'd say in just a few short years, the new elemental bearers will be picked again and it could be anyone. Even you...

That was the story, I heard my mom usher my brother to bed and I rushed the single blanket on the floor to pretend I was asleep the entire time. When they came to my room after tucking in my brother, they walked in and kicked me to the wall before I heard my father's chuckle and him closing and locking my bedroom door.

I silently curled up to sleep and dreaded the next day.

~Flashback over~

I looked at my locket again. I remember the, now lost, storybook about the elemental bearers that had pictures of these 'gifts' and remember seeing a picture of this exact locket. I'm the light bearer, that's how I survived that crash. The light bearer is like super powerful and stuff and...and...

I looked at myself in the mirror again and laughed like I just lost my mind, gripping onto the silver locket around my neck. I calmed down to compose myself and looked at myself one last time before stuffing the locket under my shirt, away from sight.


Well time to push past all of that, and time to go on the battlefield of the school halls. I grabbed my bag and kept my head low as I walked out of the bathroom.

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