The New Girl

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Here's your second chappy! Sorry, it took so long to get out. Anyways, I wanted to ask if you guys wanted pictures of the people or things in the story if you want. You can put them in the comments and I'll draw them for you if you wish. Bai!

I bolted out of that cafeteria as my life depended on it, and it kinda does. I don't go to the nurse's office, my homeroom, or any adult for that matter. I try and find a way outside. I look for any door that might still be open and found one that opens to the running track for P. E.

I run across the grass and away from the school, and head toward the trees in the area. There's this small grove of willow trees that if you climb the center one, you wouldn't be seen and that's what I want. The branches are low so it's fairly easy to climb, even in my condition.

I reach a sturdy branch and sit on it with my back to the trunk and my legs dangling on either side of me. Taking a moment to catch my breath, I also look through my bag for bandages. I find some in a pocket in the front with some cotton balls and rubbing alcohol.

I get some of the alcohol on a cotton ball and dab it over more of the serious wounds such as the burn marks. I wrap up my arms and neck in bandages and grab a spare shirt out of my bag and change. My hair and my other clothes are still wet but I can't do anything about it...or can I.

If I remember correctly, the light bearer or whatever has all the elements along with light and shadow so does that mean I could maybe dry myself off...? I put away the 'medical supplies' and take out the locket instead. If I burn myself more, well it wouldn't necessarily be bad...I mean I'd be dry...

I wrap my fingers around the locket and feel this wave of energy over me. Like all my senses were heightened and I felt as though I could fly. Alright, that's weird but what now? Maybe just think about it? I thought if a ball of fire appeared floating over my hand.

I outstretched my free hand and almost immediately, there it was. I looked at the flames more closely, they didn't seem to burn but they gave off heat. I moved my hand closer to the wet clothes and it looked as though it was going back to even before I was wet, not all crinkly but back to the soft and dry fabric it was.

Wow, okay. This is actually working...strange though. Once my clothes were dry, I dried my hair. Now how do I get rid of it? Oh, wait, duh! I let go of my locket and the flame disappeared with it. I took a moment to take in what just happened, but it was over shortly when I heard the five-minute warning bell from school.

I grabbed my backpack and jumped down from the tree, it wasn't that tall, and made a sprint for the door. When I came back inside, I heard the intercom of the school turn on.

Amethyst Blaze, please report to the office

What did I do this time? I was fairly close to the office so I just walked there and looked through the glass windows and see a girl, around my height, probably taller with reddish-brown hair that goes to her shoulders. I open the glass door and walk inside.

"Good, you're here. Take Harmony around the school and give her a tour. She's new here and...has a're excused from classes." Okay, so she's elemental. That's what the type is, if you're a regular citizen then you don't fill it out because you don't necessarily know what it is.

"Um, okay...? Follow me then," I say to Harmony and open the door for her. She follows me out and I walk by her side. "So this school is your pretty average prep school, though a lot more injuries happen here. Depending on what grade you're in depends where your classes are since they're pretty close together. You get all of this?"

"Yep!" She exclaimed, popping the 'p' in 'yep'. I looked back to the hallway. Why was I put with this job! I look back at her and she looks like she's about to say something. "...Where did you get that locket from?"

I didn't put it away!! Panic mode activated! "U-um... I-I..found- no! a-at a jewelry store...?" WTF was that!?! She gave me this...look after I said that.

"You know, you don't have to hide it from me. I did come here for you." She said.

"Hold up! What!?!" What does she mean?

"I came here for you. Ever since yesterday night, I finally know what was going on," she held up her hand to show me a small blue ring on her finger. There were engravings on the side but I could already guess what it was. "I'm the water bearer."

I was in shock. I get this locket yesterday and the next day, I meet the water elemental bearer. "So, something happened yesterday and you come here? How does that work? Sorry, I'm just not used to this yet."

"Well, you know the stories of-" I cut her off.

"I don't any of the stories except the general concept of what an elemental bearer is."

"Well then, I guess we're both going to be learning today!" She exclaimed.

I was still comprehending all of this and it's only 8:15.

        What a day...

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