Planning the trip

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In East Coast with Amethyst and Harmony

"Where did all of these books from!? You've just moved here!" I exclaim, examining all the books that were unpacked and spilling out of a small bag in Harmony's room. She invited me over after school so we were still in our uniforms. Her vast room was filled with the standard cardboard boxes with generic labels.

"Well we need to do our research, don't we?" Harmony said, her bending down to reach into another box. She comes back up with a few clothes in her arms. "I'll be back one second," and with that, she left to a side bathroom to change out of her uniform I suppose. I sat down on her bed, the soft covers unfamiliar to my touch.

The house, like the room, was huge. Harmony was a single child so by her family heritage and their jobs, she was pretty well off but preferred the books overlooks. Harmony and her parents were water elements which were the highest you could be in this hierarchy of elements. That's why I'm also in my living situation.

Fire and water are seen as the higher-ups in this world and if any of their family is of a different element, or in my case, no element at all, they're shunned and disowned from the family. I've always just ignored it since I'm the first of my kind anyway but had to have another marking on me. Very few of my family actually are anything but a fire element.

At least their parents still love them and pretend to shun them.

Harmony comes back out and I have to look twice. She was wearing a light blue button-up shirt, a long white skirt, and blue sneakers. Her ring, now having not covered by her uniform sleeve, was glowing an ocean blue. It looked so close to our school uniform it was weird she would wear something like that just for after school.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's get planning this trip." She told me, already sitting next to me and pulls out a laptop under her pillow. I hesitantly grabbed a few books from her bag to stop the overflow and start reading a few to get more information on my locket or the like. How am I supposed to know where we are heading for.

She looks at me for a moment, looking away from her screen that showed news articles.

"Aren't you going to do a few searches on your phone or something? Books can't give you the most recent information, even I can admit that." I look down at the book in my lap and back up to her.

"I don't...exactly...have a phone..." I say, whispering the last part, looking down a bit ashamed.

"Oh, okay. She places her laptop down on the bed and leaves the room.

I'm slightly petrified in my spot at what she may do. She has her entire family of elements to come after me and here I am, a thirteen-year-old elemental bearer who doesn't know how to use her own bearing properly. She walks back into the room with a small object in her hand and walks back over to me with a genuine smile.

"Here you go! My mom got a new one recently but she agreed not to cancel the plan on this one" She opened her palm to me to reveal a phone of the last generation type. I was stunned as I've never been given a present before. I gingerly took it in my hands and pressed the power button, the screen light shone on my face.

"Wow... I can't... thank you...!" I was careful when wrapping my arms around her frame that was actually bigger than mine. I don't have much to eat anyway.

"It's not a problem, we have to have some way to communicate if we get separated anyway," she whispers as I was almost cutting off her oxygen supply. I released her from my embrace and she takes a breath.

"Sorry, but I can't thank you enough for this," I apologize to her, "I didn't know I was that strong in the first place." I lay the phone next to me and look back at her. Her breath is now steady and even as she places a hand over her heart.

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