Where do we go from here?

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In East Coast with Amethyst

I'm currently packing my school bag with clothes and what I think will be important for the 'trip'. It was mostly compacting a few clothes, a blanket, and my books with a few pencils for my sketchbook. I was also able to pack the money I had which was about $200. I mean, my 'parents' can't let me die out here, even with this weird hierarchy society.

There should be another envelope somewhere near my brother's home but I haven't gone there in a few weeks. I sling my duffel bag over my shoulder and look back to the small nook that I've called home for so long. I walk over to my keyboard, found at a yard sale for $10 because the owners thought it was broken. I run my fingers over the keys but pull back suddenly. I'll see this one day soon but not today I guess.

I climb out of the tree, onto the branch and jumped down, not caring how far the ground was from this position. Landing on my feet, my knees bend from the impact making me fall on my face. Well, that was the most graceful landing ever. I brush off my knees as I stand back up making sure nothing was broken. As not too much of a surprise now, I was perfectly fine. Harmony and I had come to the conclusion that I was able to heal myself on a greater level than other bearers since the incident from this morning, though we're not too sure about the burns I had attained from Carlos.

I tread on the west of where I was to get to a location, that I had mentioned, used to be my living quarters. It's not to much trouble to get there, besides avoiding poison ivy and wolf territory, it's pretty peaceful. Along my path, I can see flower bulbs beginning to bloom into the warm spring environment...Not for long now, we still don't know the speed of this weather yet as it just started. About 500 steps later, I can see a sign of civilization from a white fence that surrounds the house that should be on the other side of this gate.

I unlatch the hook on the gate and scan my surroundings. They make this a game, to watch me almost frantically search around on my hands and knees from the fear that they just might come home early that day. Not today you stuck up and egotistical monsters. I take my sweet time looking around the yard for anything different that may have changed since I was last here. A new bike, grill out today, turned up dirt with small stalks growing out. None of the above but, there seemed to be a new seat covering on their bench swing. I pulled off the plaid cloth and turned over the bench to find the envelope. A bright white against the brown earthy tone of the wooden bench was contrasting a great deal.

I pulled the envelope away and replaced the covering back on the seat like nothing was disturbed in the tame scene. Almost as soon as I heard the front door open, I almost jumped back to the fence as quietly as I could and locked the gate again. I sped past the house in the direction of Harmony's house not taking the long route through the more concealing forest.

I crossed a weird road named Chickentown Lane or something before reaching Harmony's home. I climbed up the porch steps and knocked on the door. One second I was standing on the porch, the next, I was pulled inside by a hyperactive Harmony. "Finally you came, I've got my things packed and ready to go," she spoke so fast I was surprised I understood her.

"Calm down, why are you so hyper right now?" I asked her as I closed the door behind me. Her pupils were larger than normal and her ring was glowing. I found out she was levitating a blob of water that carried a cup of coffee to her.

"I may or may not have drunk two cups of coffee once you left to get my energy up," she grabbed the floating coffee mug, "Want some?" Holding the cup of coffee towards me, her hands shaking slightly, I gingerly took it in my hands and took a sip. It was loaded with a french vanilla creamer but I could still taste the very strong coffee. "It should keep up our energy until we take our break and sleep for the night or however long it will take us to crash."

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