mark x jaemin

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mark was feeling little and the only person around was jaemin. yes, jaemin was younger, but he knew how to take care of mark when he felt like this, it was a way of jaemin paying him back when mark looked after him and the other dreamies. he was currently filling up mark's sippy cup with milk.

he heard mark yell to him,

"bubby, i'm thirsty! can you hurry, pwease?" jaemin honestly really loved when mark was little, he enjoyed taking care of others.

"yes markie! give me a few seconds and i'll be there."

he heard a small "okay" as he was walking back to the living room with a baby blue sippy cup in one of his hands.

"here's your milk bubba." mark happily took the sippy cup out of jaemin's hand while bouncing in his spot on the couch.

"do you wanna watch a movie baby?" mark gasped, of course he wanted to watch a movie! "yes, pwease!"

"hmmm, what do you wanna watch?"

"big hero 6! pweaaaase, bubbyyyy!" jaemin was hesitant to let mark watch it because he knew he was probably going to cry and he hated to see mark cry. however, jaemin gave in.

he then started to wish he didn't in the movie when they started talking about how tadashi had died. he saw mark's bottom lip wobbling and tears spilling out of the littles face. he sighed,

"do you wanna sit on bubby's lap?" mark couldn't say anything over crying so much, so he just nodded his head.

"markie, why are you crying so much?"

"i-it's was sad a-and markie doesnt w-want any of his bub-bubbies or daddies to die." mark sobbed.

jaemin's heart felt weird, mark was so torn up thinking that his favorite people were going to die soon.

"markie, don't cry baby. we'll all be okay, bubby promises." mark shoved his face into jaemin's chest and calmed his crying down.

"okay, i believe you bubby." mark said now giggling

"good. bubby is always right!" jaemin replied pecking mark's forehead. "now, let's go take a nap because all that crying wore you out."

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