Accelerator Plays Goat Simulator

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Accelerator: Well...I had nothing better to do..and that Old Geezer (Gildarts) is out doing something..or other..I don't know. *sigh* oh well...let's get this over with. *turns on game*

Accelerator: And wow...just like the game says..I'm a goat..wonderful. *Goat avatar runs over a mailman then tears apart a mailbox and a car.* Whoah...well apparently in here goats are like super awesome mega weapons of destruction...just like me...hehehehehe...hehehehehe...HAHAHAHAHA!!! THIS IS AWESOME!!

*Goat runs through the town, causing mass mayhem, destroying multiple objects and running over people*

Accelerator: Oh look..a guy crossing the street...gone! Oh look a police man sitting in his cruiser...gone! And look at that, a little kid crossing the street, a lollypop in his hand, how cute...gone!! HAHAHAHAHA!! Yes! I am the Number 1 Goat of Academy City!! I am Accelegoat!! HAHAHAHA!!!

*Goat runs into the forest and into a picnic area where he begins destroying a family birthday party, ramming a father into the wall while knocking a kid into a trashcan.*

Accelerator: HAHAHAHAHA!! FEAR MY GOAT POWERS!!!! Where has touching the territory of God gone now Kakine!? Oh yeah!! It's gone to the goats!! HAHAHA!!

Several Hours later.

*Goat walks through an ancient palace to a throne as other goats bow to him on his way to the thrown.*

Accelerator: You know...I can't say I didn't see this coming..but now that I'm like..the goat king..or something. Something just feels really right.

*Goat walks onto throne and suddenly catches on fire*

Accelerator: WHAT THE HELL!?

Several more hours later.

*Goat is walking towards a flaming pentagram marked on the forest floor*

Accelerator: Okay..I have a very bad feeling about this..usually in my experiences..a flaming pentagram is not a good either means MISAKA Worst is going on another pranking spree, Erza caught Natsu blowing up another district....or Twilight Prankster is having another wild midnight party which usually results demons running around town and giving people wedgies....hmmm....oh well..

*Goat walks in pentagram and transforms into a goat with a demonic flaming skull and demon fire.*

Accelerator: Whoah....yes...yes..I can use this...Accelegoat likes this..

*Demonic goat runs through the city, crashing through houses and people, leaving flaming explosions in his wake*

Accelerator: YES YES!! Bow before the Level 6 Goat!! The Level 6 Accelegoat!! BOW!!

Last Order: *Comes into the room* What are you doing Misaka Misaka asks as she looks at this curiously interesting game?

Accelerator: Being a goat

Last Order: Huh? Misaka says with extreme confusion as Misaka tries to comprehend the strange phrase that you just said.

Accelerator: You heard me..I'm being a badass goat!!

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