Ichigo, Mikoto, Mikaris, and Natsu play Let's Dance.

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*Door rams open as Mikoto and Natsu drag Ichigo into the room*


Natsu: Come on!! It'll be fun!

Ichigo: I don't dance!!!

Mikoto: Get over it! I doubt any of us can dance!

Ichigo: I don't care!! I don't freaking dance!!

Mikaris: Mikoto, I have this...game... set up.. might I ask the purpose of this strange program?

Mikoto: Like I said before, it's a game, it's for you to have fun. Haven't you ever played a game?

Mikaris: Well... me and Mother (Edo-Erza) played  checkers...

Mikoto: This is a little different. Come on Ichigo! We're trying to introduce Mikaris to something awesome here! Have a heart!

Natsu: Yeah! Don't be a party pooper!!

Ichigo: *groans* fine... guess I could play a few rounds.

*Game starts*

Mikoto: See? *starts dancing along with Natsu* you just need to mimic the movements of the avatar on the screen, and it'll tell you how you're doing.

Mikaris: Okay...*starts dancing* Like this?

Mikoto: Whooo!! Go get em!! You're not half bad at this!!

Mikaris: This actually feels... outlandish...yet it also feels like a good release..

Natsu: Wow Ichigo!! You're terrible! You look like you're  trying to imitate a bellyflopping walrus..

Ichigo: Yeah!? Well you look like you're a cactus having a siezure! What kind of freakish dance is that!?

Natsu: It's my own invention!

Mikoto: -_- Natsu, you're supposed to immitate the person on the screen, you have the worst score right under Ichigo right now..

Dorm Supervisor: *Slams door open* HMMM!? What is this!? Boys in the dorm room!?

Mikoto: Crap!! Kuroko didn't tell me when she'd be back!! (Mikoto currently lives at Lucy's house and Kuroko let's her borrow the old dorm room sometimes.)

Mikaris: An enemy is trying to attack Mikoto...I will defend her!!

*As Mikaris activates her powers and attempts to attack the Dorm Supervisor while Natsu and Mikoto frantically try to hold her back, Ichigo continues to dance...*

Ichigo: Hey... hey! Yeah! I think I'm getting the hang of this! Maybe I can dance!! Eh? Wait..what's going on back there?


Mikoto and Natsu: MIKARIS WAIT!!!!!

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