Grimmjow Plays Surgeon Simulator

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Grimmjow: Okay... so I'm playing this weird game... where I'm some sort of doctor simulation thing. Well, here's the patient...and I guess I move my hands like this...what the hell...WHY CAN'T I PICK UP ANYTHING!? Crap! Stupid!!

*Moves hands over to surgeon box...tries to pick up anesthetic.*

Grimmjow: Okay...there we go..these sloppy, apparently drunk hands are finally useful for something..okay, I've got the needle...just gotta inject it into...and crap I dropped it next to the bone saw...

*tries to pick anesthetic up, but cuts finger off on the bone saw*

Grimmjow: WHAT THE HELL!? I, Grimmjow Espada Seis will not be overpowered by a stupid piece of mortal metal...oh god... oh god, there's blood spurting out....oh god who just did a cero on my finger? Oh god!!

*after cutting off several more fingers, finally picks up anesthetic between thumb and hand.*

Grimmjow: Okay... careful... careful... and yeah!! He's knocked out...okeydoke...just gotta put the anesthetic back and...

*needle somehow get's stuck in right arm.*

Grimmjow: DAMN IT!!! Ow!! I can't believe I stuck myself with that... that... eh... why is everything looking so darn woozy!? woooo....did this what drinking Samuel Adams in 12 pints is like? Wowwww...

*Grimmjow grabs the bone saw*

Grimmjow: So I'm gonna just cut through these ribs there....okay...oh darn, eh... I punctured a lung... OH DAMN THAT BLOOD!! well okay.. so... so ARRGGGHH!! You know what!? This is crap!!! This is total crap!!!

*finally removes ribs after severely damaging internal organs a great degree, puts down bone saw..*

Grimmjow: So I just have to take these organs out of the way... with this one fingerless big deal, I've been a one armed guy before..quite a humiliating point in my life, but it's happened...Stupid Tosen... glad he's dead... damn Tosen...okay, let's make some more mincemeat out of this unfortunate guy.

*Grimmjow picks up the lungs and stomach*

Grimmjow: Kay...guess I'll use these clumsy stupid hands to slide these organs...onto the table right here...crap, Szayl Aporo would love this stupid game....AAAAAAGGGGGGHHH!!! There's a scalpel sticking out of my hand!! HOW THE HECK DID THAT HAPPEN!? AAAAGGGGGHHH!! This stupid avatar needs a hierro really bad!!

*Grimmjow finally reveals the heart under the body and prepares to remove it..*

Grimmjow: Ahh.. all I need to take out this heart...and replace it with the one in this box. Okay...byebye heart....and in you go new heart.

*knocks scalpel over which impales into the new heart, patient dies*

Grimmjow:.....well....somebody call the freaking Soul Reapers...cause we got another one that needs to go to the stupid Soul Society....yep.....GOD DAMN IT THAT FREAKING ##### WITH THE WHOLE STUPID #####!!!! WHY DON'T YOU JUST BEND ME OVER AND ##### MY ###### BECAUSE I HATE HOW ALL THIS ###### HAPPENS TO ME!!! OF ALL THE STUPID ####### THIS IS PROBABLY THE ONE THAT'S THE MOST ######## UP!!!!!

Mirajane: Grimjow!! Have you been cussing!?

Grimmjow: Eh!? What are you on about woman!?

Mira: Bad Grimmjow!! Bad!! Say you're sorry!!

Grimmjow: Yeah right woman! I'm not gonna-

Mira: I will not have a foul mouthed man cussing under the roof of this guild! Say you're sorry or no more Halo 3.

Grimmjow: *mumbles something inaudible*

Mira: What was that young man?

Grimmjow: I'm sorry....kay....*grumble grumble*

Mira: Now read this..

Grimmjow: A book on proper speech ettiquete !? NO WAY IN HELL AM I GOING TO-

*Mirajane gives Grimmjow a demonic stare*

Grimmjow: read this book! Cause I'm totally going to read it... *whimpers*

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