Mikoto and Nicole play Pokemon X and Y

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Mikoto: So...Nicole..you ready for this?

Nicole: Heck yes!! So, should we do an all Ghost type team v.s and all Electric team? Or just our regular pokemon?

Mikoto: I'm for either one, but I want to use my extra awesome Gengar.

Nicole: :( but I have an extra awesome Gengar.

Mikoto: So then use it, it's not like you need an all Ghost team to play with your Gengar..

Nicole: Oh XD right! okay then...I'll go with my super awesome Misaka Crusher team!!

Mikoto: 0_0 you made a team specifically to crush mine?

Nicole:.... maybe.... ;) anyways, let's do a three on three to make it quick

*Game starts*

Mikoto: Oh, okay then! I guess we're both starting out with Gengar...well then, let's see whose faster!!

*Mikoto's Gengar uses Shadow Ball... Nicole's Gengar faints*

Mikoto: Oh yeah! Railgun 1, Ghosty Zero!

Nicole: Ghosty!? Well that's one I haven't heard before...let's see you deal with this! *Sends out Alakazam*

Mikoto: You nicknamed it... Eolas... why?

Nicole: *Shrugs* well it's psychic... and it moves stuff with telekinises... I guess..

Mikoto: What does the name Eolas have to do with telekinises?

Nicole: Oh... stuff... and other stuff, remember those weeks I went missing for a while? And then I told you I had gone to a duplicate world of this one which was different from Edolas...?

Mikoto: ....oh...That Eolas. I would've liked to meet that guy...anyways...your Alakazam's got nothing on my Gengar!

Nicole: *Smiles deviously* I wouldn't count on it!! *Eolas Mega Evolves into Mega Alakazam*

Mikoto: WHAA!? You got the Alakazite already!!? No way!!

Nicole: And guess what? He's faster then your Gengar!!

*Mega Eolas uses Psychic, it's supereffective, Gengar faints*

Mikoto: Darn! I knew I should've gotten that Gengarite...darn...okay then...well I guess I have no choice! Go get em Aerodactyl! *Sends out Aerodactyl*

Nicole: You never nickname your Pokemon do you?

Mikoto: Well names don't make my opponent faint! MEGA EVOLUTION!!!!!

*Aerodactyl evolves into Mega Aerodactyl which outspeeds Mega Eolas and uses Crunch to KO the Alakazam*

Nicole: *jaw drops* Your Aerodactyl knew crunch!?

Mikoto: *Nods and grins* yep! And the tough claws ability adds to the damage!! BOOM!! I just KO'd your Mega!!!

Nicole: Well I have no choice... I am to use my last Pokemon... I choose you Misaka!!

Mikoto: Eh!? Wait.. WHAT!?

*A Pikachu that happens to be named Misaka is sent out..*

Mikoto: Wh-what!? I-I can't kill myself!! Nicole!!

Nicole: ha!! I know it'll be hard for you to hurt the Pikachu you know I named after you because I treasure our friendship!! HAHA!! Now you'll be forced to use Iron Defense or something until I kill your Mega Aerodactyl!

Mikoto: B-but my Aerodactyl only knows attack moves! ;o;

Nicole: Wait... WHAAAAAAA!!!?

Mikoto: I'm sorry...T_T

*Aerodactyl uses Rock Slide, Misaka the Pikachu faints..*

Nicole: X_X....darn...

Mikoto: This was a bittersweet victory...

Nicole: Wanna go again?

Mikoto: Sure, why not?

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