Priorities guys.

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I'm sorry I haven't updated in so long, however, there is a reason behind it!

I have a matter of priorities. I'm trying to get my license as well as graduate early meaning I only have until January to get everything done. This also means that I have less time complete what my schools call 'senior project'. As far as I'm aware other schools don't partake in this graduation practice. If I don't finish this project, which takes four months to complete, the last three and a half years are for nothing as I will lose my chance to improve my school records for college acceptance.

College is another issue. I'm trying to figure out my major and which college is the best for me based on cost, location, and programs. I've got only a few months to figure out all of this not to mention actually getting it all done once my choices are made.

I know some actually enjoy reading this but it's still only an idea log. I see the interest as I love scrapbooks like these and as much as I love writing and creating content for you all to enjoy, it is a long and time demanding job that I have to put aside for now. My attempts at early graduation, driving, furthering my education and obtaining a job to support myself so I may move out of my current residence are far more important than a book that hasn't been started.

In the span of the next four months, I highly doubt I will update assuming that I will ever have the time to do so. I appreciate all of you who read this, as this is a career choice that I would like to pursue, writing that is, and I would love to update once I have the time.

Until then though, I suggest finding other books, articles, content, and writers to find entertainment and intrigue from. 

I thank you all incredibly for the feedback and support you all have shown! I hope to get back to you all as soon as I can and until then, I wish you all a wondrous time!



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