♡Chapter 4♡

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"Say lucy why dont we catch up we have so mu-" " we have nothing to talk about." I said before she cutted me off. "Fine then. Lets have some fun c:" I said as i drag out two guns. "Everyone! get out of here now!"  I heard her yell as i saw them running for the door. "Shiki stop them quick!" I said to him. "Already on it!" He said back to me. "Now then, where were we sister." I said to her as she just gave me a glare. "Don't look at me like that, sister.."


As everyone was rushing towards the door i just stood in place. Frozen. Until Liddan grabbed me, and dragged me upstairs. Once we were upstairs we went into Liddan room. Once we were in there he locked the door behind us. "What's the big idea! We should be leaving like everyone else." I then yelled at him. He didnt say anything. As i went to unlock his door I blanked out. "I'm sorry sis.." my brother said to me before I blacked out.♡


After 10m that night the Dragneel kingdom fell. Non of the Dragneels lived. Or so they say.. . As for Rebecca and Shiki they return back to report what happened to there master who sent them.♡

♡4 weeks later Nashi♡

Ever since that night I been staying with my brother. Who is always making me train so i can go to school. And go out and do stuff that our parents didn't let me do, because they were scared I would forget where home was or something like that. I really never did know. In the after cause of what happen our mom was sent to the hospital where we check up on her. As for our dad he went missing after the kingdom fell. And so did happy. That was all i remember of that night.

As me and my brother Liddan were training it began to snow. In the middle of November. "Looks like we won't be training for awhile." My brother said as i looked confused. "It's just a little bit of snow. We can still train!" I said as i was trying to catch a snowflake with my tongue. "Let's just forget what i said.. come let's go see mom before it snows any worse and make us stay the night at the hospital." He said walking off heading towards the hospital with me right behind him following.

When we reached town we both put our hoods up so no one could see us. The reason why was, because people are looking for my brother. It would be the same for me but no one in this town never did know who I was. So i was pretty safe unless they find out my last name.

After we made it through town we went to the hospital. Once we were there I had Liddan do all the information, because I had no idea what to say. Luckly the hospital except our mom as Heartfilia and not Dragneel. Unlike most people -_-. After he gave the person information we then got these badges and got a card to go through to see our mom. Going through the hallway there were many people going back and forth to see there love ones. I thought it was cute. It also made me wonder if I had a love one and I ended up in the hospital would he come see me? Probably not.

Our mom room was all the way close to the back where it was secured from everyone but us and nurses and doctors. As Liddan slide the card down and open the door we then entered. When we walked in we saw our mom still sleeping. She has been sleeping for 4 weeks now. We sat there and talked to her for awhile until one of the doctors came in. Then we left and headed home.

When we got back I cooked us some nice tasty curry. "Looks like we made it back just in time. It seems to be snowing much more now o.o." I said as i was placing curry on the table. "Welp
everything is ready now. Go ahead and eat up!" I said with a smile as I then began to eat my curry. "Say Nashi.. can I tell u something?" He asked me while we were both in the middle of eating dinner. "Sure go ahead!" I said Listening to him and still continuing to eat. "During spring I'm going to look for dad.." he said as i then started to choak on my curry. "Here take some water.." he handed me a cup of water as I drank it all. Now I could talk. "Why are you going to look for dad. You could be caught. Then ill be alone." I said back yelling almost dropping a tear.

"Your not gonna be alone. Larcade, our little brother is coming during the spring. He will be training you for now on." He said as i just looked down at my curry. "I'm done eating.." I said as i picked up my plate and put it in the fridge to eat for tomorrow. I then walked up to my room, jumped into a nice warm bath then got in bed and chilled.

He's planning something but what could it be.. I then began to wonder. After that I turn off my lights, closed my curtains. And went to bed for the night.♡

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