A door and a bowl - Pokeshipping

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"I'm so sorry that we can't stay much longer!" May apologized again. It was Misty's birthday, and she had invited her three best friends. Sadly, Leaf got sick and couldn't make it, and May and Dawn had a very important interview together. And with Misty being the good friend she was, she insisted that they would go. They could celebrate her birthday any other time.

Misty sighed as she say down on her couch. Brock visited her yesterday, since he also was busy today. Ash was still in Alola, and she didn't want to ask Gary, since all he could talk about these days was Drew. She also had some other friends she could invite, but she didn't really feel like interacting with them today. She sighed again. 'What to do...?'

Before she knew it, her eyes were closed and she drifted asleep.

"Misty. Mist. Hey, Mist. Wake up."
"WHY DID YOU HIT ME?!" Ash yelled clutching his head.
"You scared me! How did you get in?! Weren't you supposed to be in Alola?! What are you doing here?!" Misty asked.
"Well, I'm not in Alola anymore. I came because it's your birthday!" Ash said with a grin.
"You still haven't told me how you- WHERE IS MY DOOR?!" Misty yelled, looking at the opening, where once was a door.
"I stole it."
"And now I'm giving it to you. It's part of your birthday present!" Ash pointed at the table, where the door was leaning against.
"You... You stole my door?"
"And now you're giving it back?"
"That doesn't make any sense!"
"I know. I didn't really think about it. But anyways, it's not your real present. The real I haven't bought yet, but I will!" Ash said scratching his neck.
"Ash Ketchum, you are an idiot." Misty said glaring. 'My idiot, though.'
"Ouch." He pouted. He stood up.
"And here you have the second part of the not real birthday present!" he said handing over a gift. He watched as Misty tore the paper apart.
"... A bowl."
"A bowl!"
"What the hell?"
"Okay, I understand that these gifts don't make sense, right?"
"But it's not about the items, you see. It's kinda... in their name, I think? It's something that I think that you are!"
"Ash, you're speaking in riddles. What is it?"
"No, you'll have to figure this out by yourself! Now, I didn't come here for nothing. Do you have cake?" Misty sighed deep.
"No. May ate the last piece," she answered. Well, you can't change Ash.
"What!? But it's your birthday!" he pouted.
"If you want cake, go buy it yourself."
"Fine. In the meantime, you can figure out your not real gift!" Ash jumped up.
"I'll be back!" he ran through the opening in the wall. 'There used to be a door there', she thought angrily.

She took the bowl she received in her hands. 'A bowl. And a door. I got a bowl and a door. A door and a bowl. What the hell.'

"A door and a bowl... A bowl and a door... A bowl... A door... What is he trying to say?! A door. A bowl... A door. A bowl. Oh. OH!" Misty placed down the bowl and brought her hands to her face.

"Stupid Ash... I'm not adorable..." she whispered, hiding her blushing face in her hands.

Yay! I finished it! I got the idea from a tumblr post lol. I was stuck on this for quite a long time actually, so I'm glad I finally managed to finish it!
I hope you liked it! ^^


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