Time tourists Part 2 - Contestshipping

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Today is different. Nothing special is supposed to happen. And yet, the ships up in the skies are crowded. I'm pretty sure this must be the maximum the ships can hold.

Nothing special is supposed to happen. Why are these people here?

As I walk towards May, I see that's she's also looking at the ships. She seems troubled.

"Drew, I have a bad feeling about this" she says to me when I reach her.
"Me too."
"He's not there."
"That guy. The one that is always watching."
"Are you sure? It's crowded, so it's harder to see if he's there or not."
"I'm sure. He's not there. I already felt bad about this yesterday, because there were five versions of him. FIVE! He went back in time five times! Something bad is going to happen!" I reach for May's hand.
"Don't worry. I'll protect you if anything happens" I whisper. But I'm not sure if I can.

Something bad is going to happen. I know it. Everyone knows.


It's break. We are in the cafeteria. The entrance door suddenly flies open.

A guy enters. He has a gun.

Hell breaks loose.

A gunshot.

Another one. And another one. Bodies collapsing right and left.

The guy is not alone. The school has been invaded.

I try to grab May's hand, but it's not there. I look around me, and find May on the ground.



It's been fourteen years. Fourteen years since that shooting at school.

The reason all those people went back in time to see it, wasn't because just that shooting. No, it was a bigger thing. Not only our school had been targeted, but also a theatre, a football stadium, a market. It was all a distraction. The real target was something bigger.
They never revealed what exactly the target was.
They never revealed the reason what my May died for.

Since a few days, I have been time travelling. Back to the days with May.

To some, it may seem like I'm stalking her. They may think that's creepy. But I miss her so much, that I just needed to see her face. And I'm glad I did.

As I watched May and the younger version of me playfully teasing each other, I tear streamed down my face.

"Keep her close, Andrew Hayden. You don't have much time left," I whispered.

That took longer than I expected. You know what took me so long? The last 5/6 sentences. I had no idea how to finish. But today I finally decided to wrap it up. So yeah... sorry that it's so short :3

Hope you enjoyed!


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