One-shot tag - Belleshipping

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I was tagged by NataliexisWolf

I was tagged by NataliexisWolf

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Insecure - Belleshipping

He was worried.

Dawn had been acting strange all week, and every time he asked about it, she'd just shrug it off, giving him some lame excuse, like just being tired. And he didn't believe one single thing of it. But today, he found his girlfriend crying in her room.

"Dawn, are you okay?" he asked, even though he already knew she wasn't. He took her hand and softly stroke it.

"I'm fine" she sniffed. Drew stared at her.
"Okay. I'm not fine. It's just..." she paused, thinking of the right words.
"I feel like I just suck, at everything I do. I lose my focus during contests, I can't keep up with training my Pokémon. What if I never become a successful coordinator?" she whispered.

"You already are a successful coordinator, Dawn! You've already won the Ribbon cup twice!"
"But I still can't beat you" Dawn answered, still whispering.
"But that's because I'm amazing. No one can beat me" Drew replied.
"You're kind of an asshole, you know that?" Dawn giggled through her tears.
"But a good kind of asshole, right?" Drew smiled.
"Anyways, my point is, there's nothing to worry about. Everyone has their times where they suck. Even me."
"Thanks. I really needed to hear that" Dawn said with a smile, which made Drew melt. It always did. He gently kissed her forehead.

"No problem."

So the rules again:

- Make a love one-shot

- Has to be about 2 people you don't ship together

- Write it like you ship it
I did my best.

- Can't be abusive

- Minimum 200 words
228 words!

- Maximum 2000 words
Not even close lol.

- 2 weeks time
And that definitely failed!

- Tag 5 people (tag back is allowed)

Let's see...





LapisLazulli2 (Ha!)

Sorry not sorry X3

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