Headcanons - Ice skating

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Basically the question is: Can they ice-skate? 

Idk if they've ever shown this in the anime or anything, this is just what I think.

Ash: Nope. He can't. He tries, he really does, but he just sucks. Doesn't mean he doesn't have fun trying though.

Misty: She is okay. Not super good, not bad either. She enjoys trying to go as hard as she can, but also makes sure she won't fall. She also loves to laugh at Ash, and they ofter challenge each other to a race (Misty wins, duh).

Gary: A master. When he was little, he used to go with his grandpa all the time, and now he is a prof at it. He never tells anyone though, he enjoys watching their shocked faces.

Leaf: Just like Misty, she is okay at it, but she never really skates. She just prefers sitting inside with hot chocolate.

Drew: It took a while to convince him to come, because he is too proud to admit that he can't skate even if his life depended on it. He just sucks. He also is very very jealous of Gary. After he found out that Gary was secretly a master at it, he refused to speak to him for the rest of the day. He failed though, he needed Gary's help to not  fall.

May: She is pretty good at it. She used to skate a lot with her family, but every year she needs to get the hang of it again, like there is a reset button at the end of the year. She also helped Drew at first with skating (after laughing at him, of course), but got tired of that and left him with Gary.

Paul: He is very fast. Do not challenge him to a race, you'll lose. Well, not like you get the chance to challenge him. He just keeps skating in rounds. It's basically impossible to stop him.

Dawn: Just like Gary, she is a prof at skating. She is also the one that invites everyone to go skating, she just really enjoys it, especially with her friends. Together with Serena and Lillie she loves to try tricks figure skaters usually do.

Barry: Just like May, he has to get the hang of it every year again. He loves to go as fast as he can, but that usually ends up in him crashing into everyone. He also challenges everyone to race with him, but he never finishes them because he accidentally ran over a small child or something.

Meadow: Yeah, she isn't that good. She tries though, and always accepts challenges to a race, which she usually loses.

Iris: Iris? And ice? Hell no. If she goes, she sits on the side line, packed in at least 3 coats, laughing at the people that fall.

Cilan: He rather sit with Iris than actually going on the ice. He enjoys watching people and watching their techniques though.

Clemont: Nope. He also can't skate even if his life depended on it. He always comes though, he enjoys the time being with his friends. And so what if he falls? He can always just stand up again.

Serena: She is also very good at it. She likes to try the tricks they do with figure skating, and she practices them a lot, together with Dawn and Lillie.

Gladion: No. He can't, which often gets him laughed at by Moon. She helps him though, and he's slowly getting better at it.

Moon: She is good at it, but not very special. She likes to help Gladion, because everytime he makes a mistake he gets all flustered, which is adorable.

Hau: He also is okay at skating, but mostly just enjoys the time with his friends. That's enough for him.

Lillie: She is pretty good at it. She loves to watch Serena and Dawn try the tricks, and when they don't seem too hard, she joins them.

And done. Idk, I got this idea and wanted to write it down uwu. Hope you like them :3


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