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"She was! But when she tried to snatch u from me...She has become my enemy! I can do anything to remove her from my path!", Renuka roared.

"Renuka, She was your best friend...How can U hate her so much...Okay, I know that my father fixed my marriage which u don't like....But why are u hating Avanya for my father? She just took part in the Swayamvar..", Siddharth asked.

"I know....but! I don't like her after the marriage has been fixed", Renuka tightly hugged Siddharth.

Siddharth was quite surprised by this kind of behavior Renuka did. They both loved each other...Thus, he didn't like the marriage but......not the person with whom his marriage was fixed. But Renuka being her best friend made her an enemy. How could she hate one so much...During her childhood once, Siddharth had visited Renuka. The soldiers had caught a thief who had stolen the precious crown of Renuka's father. King had strictly sentenced him to death but it was Renuka who had asked the thief about the reason for stealing. He was jobless and thus took up such hazardous occupation. Renuka had herself requested the king to forgive him and grant him a job. The king couldn't deny her daughter's wish. The thief was thankful to Renuka and left the job.

If Renuka, could forgive a man stealing his father's royal crown then how could she hate her best friend so much...? It was her smile and kindness that had attracted Siddharth towards her. But today he just found it lost somewhere.

''Siddharth, So u are going to talk to Maharaj Atharv...Right?", She asked.

''Actually, You want me to", Siddharth replied.

"Me? It's not for only me....It's for us", She said.

"Fine!", He exclaimed and left.

He knew that he had no other choice rather than talking to his father. Renuka would never understand...His father was his last his hope.

He walked through the corridor. The gentle breeze blew the curtains. He reached the huge brown door, His father was writing something and didn't notice him. He knocked the door.

"May, I come in", He said hesitatingly.

"Arrey! Siddharth bete! Come", His father smiled.

He smirked and stepped in.

"See I have made all the arrangements! No king would be able to compete for this wedding's  arrangements!", He said proudly

"Pit..tashree I wanted to talk to you", Siddharth stammered.

"Yes...What happened?",

"Actually, I want to confess something",

"But what?",

"Actually..", Siddharth took a deep breath.

"I can't marry Avanya!", He exclaimed and stood up.

"What! What are you saying! Already, The arrangements have been made...The guests have come...U are denying?", Maharaj Atharv shouted.

"Pitashree, I know it's difficult! But I can't marry her! I love someone else...",

"Who! Who's that girl...who has more worth than Avanya?",

"It's Renuka! I love her!", Siddharth finally spoke.

"What? Renuka? Maharaj Parth's daughter?",

"Yes! I love her! And...I will marry her!",

"You know that...I had organized a Swayamvar for you..In which Avanya..won and I can't do injustice to her",

"But...It's my life! And I want to take my own decisions..And Renuka is my love!",