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"When she's angry, Even the demons run for cover....",                          


During the dinner, everything was normal. Externally! Internally, There was a lot going in Sid and Saira. The elders were chatting while the only sound produced by the two was the tinging of the spoon and fork for eating. Sid tried eyeing Saira but it went completely ignored by her. 

"So, when is Saira's Princess crowning ceremony happening?", Aarna asked Granny.

"Yeah, I have decided to organize it on Dusshera, It's an auspicious day so I thought Saira will also get the blessings of Goddess Bhawani   along with being titled as Princess",  Granny marked.

"Oh, That will be great! And, what about the  throne holding ceremony?", Aarna smiled at Saira.

"Uhm, Sorry to interrupt but are there two different ceremonies happening for me?", Saira looked confused.

"Yeah. Actually, Add it up to three. U would be having three ceremonies soon", Aarna grinned.

"Uhm, Yeah. When a royal prince or princess is born he/she has a crowning ceremony which means officially introducing the child to the world. But as u were not with us since the years u will have ur ceremony this year", Granny explained.

"What are the other two?", 

"The other one is the throne holding ceremony in which the superior or the only child of the family is announced as the king or queen. But, Aarna...How come three? There are only two right. The ones I said", Granny had the same expression as Saira.

"Suppose, the throne has an only girl child  like u who can take over as the queen. But, before the queening ceremony the  princess must be married to another prince or king to hold the throne. Therefore, marriage can counted as one of the three ceremonies", Aarna grinned.

Saira curled her lips and blushed. "So, you mean I too have to marry someone?",She asked.

"Don't worry u too will find someone, Like the way I got ur grumpy uncle Samarth!", Aarna said.

"Aarna, At least not infront of the children!", He said.

Everyone laughed. But Saira was now more tensed. Marriage? At first she thought that was just Jagvi's theory but now she felt it was  a serious issue.


"Thanks, Rani Saheba for such a lovely dinner!", Aarna smiled at Granny. She turned her gaze to Saira and passed on grin.

"You're mother is so lucky! I wish I could've a daughter like u. I feel stuck with this monkey!", Aarna said to Saira. Saira grinned at the fact of Sid being called 'Monkey'.

"Mom! Don't call me a monkey!", Sid protested.

"U are one! Anyway...It was lovely meeting u Saira.....I hope we spend time again soon!", Aarna said.

"Same from this side Rani Aarna", Replied Saira.

"It's getting late so we should leave. See you soon", Aarna waved and got inside the car along with Samarth.

Sid stood there still. "I won't leave until I say what I need to", Sid said.

Saira simply lowered lashes and kept quiet.

"I know I become like a cruel monster sometimes! And I am a jerk to people! But only few people have made me feel bad about what I did to them and melt me....You are one of them! Idk, why I feel bad about having wasted so much of  ur tears today..Idk why!...So...", Sid kept saying with some intensity in his eyes. It was a rare one. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2020 ⏰

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