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The lights were lit making the classy apartment bright! While Adara was busy trying out her new hobby of knitting. No matter, There were millions of stalks in those big malls but she choose to at least knit something for her little baby. A baby pinked muffler, a really soft sweater, fluffy woollen shoes...were some of her creations...

Pregnancy was just not a responsibility but was also a boon for her. Since five years, A stressful and hectic life was all she got! Job! Rehaan! Divorce! She had been through a lot....But it was her self courage and independence that she is still Standing strong. Her job specially, Had made her completely forget about herself. There was rarely any time when she used to be with herself just herself! Work load, Night shifts! She had forgot to live the moments! She was actually not bounded by the work but she choose it! She wanted to be away from the moment of loneliness and didn't want to memorise the past happenings....She simply used to deny any outing with all her colleagues who had a fiance or where newly tied in a marriage by making work excuses.

But now things, got changed. It's hardly been a week when all her colleagues came to congratulate her. It was different to experience so much love and support from the people.

She was really happy living the most beautiful phase of her life. But one thing scared her. Neer.

In her whole life, She had to always sacrifice in every point of her life. Whether it was her hiding the secret of the letters from Neer for Tejal or Marrying to Rehaan for her Father's wish. Behind this strong woman stands a scared girl who had nothing of herself to decide.

But finally, The foetus in her womb heals all her deep wounds. She's just terrified of Neer who after knowing the truth of the baby may snatch away her happiness forever.

Whenever she watches Neer being happy she gets reminded of how she loved him and had to give up and Now he will take the baby.

"Adara", A familiar lemon fragrance emerged the room.

She turned to see Neer.

"You okay?", He said as he placed his palm on Her cheek.

Adara noticed that how close they had become within these 6 months. What were they exactly? Not a couple, then what were they? If this was just frienship...Then what was that Adara had for Neer?

Suddenly,  A strong kick was gifted to Adara. These sidekicks really annoyed Adara and the pain! One thing she learnt being pregnant that Period cramps in your life are the preparations for the kicks during pregnancy😂

"Ouch", She  held her tummy and made an almost-about-to-cry face😢

"What happened?", Neer got cautious.

Adara glared him for a moment and said

"You men are lucky! Firstly, You give pain to Women while making out! And secondly making us bear all the kicks during pregnancy!", She pouted.

Neer burst into laughter.

"What wrong did I say!", Adara stared.

"No! You aren't wrong but tell me what else u think about men?", Neer grinned.

"Neer! You!", Adara shook ker head.

Neer stopped smiling when his gaze fell on Adara's feet.

"Your foot is swollen", He said.

"Normal during pregnancy!", Adara gave a cause.

"Needs to be cured",

Before Adara could say anything Neer lifted her in his arms and made his way to her bedroom.