Chapter 2: Questionable

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Thankfully the rest of the class went by pretty quickly.

That Jimin boy kept looking at me most of the time. I also caught that one blonde headed girl and that guy she was with looking at me time and time again.

But I just chose to ignore it. I mean I'm the new kid, of course I'm gonna get started at.

Once the bell rang, everyone gathered their belongings and started to make their way to their next class.

I stand from my desk and make my way to the door. But I did feel like I was being watched until I finally left the room and went to find my next class.

~Jimins POV~

I watch as Y/N walks out of the classroom.

As soon as I walked into the classroom I could smell her and hear her heart beating out of her chest.

Taehyung: Jimin?

I turn and look at my best friend.

Jimin: What?

Taehyung: Are you good?

Jimin: Yeah.

Andrea: He's thinking about the new girl.

Jimin: How many times do I have to tell you to stay out of my head?

Andrea: Being the only witch left has its advantages.

Taehyung: Do you think that she is the one?

Jimin: She's human.

Taehyung: So? Every vampire has a Mate Jimin. They can be anything but our natural enemy the dog beasts. Namjoons is human. Mine just happens to be the last living witch. Yours could very much be this human.

Jimin: Well there's only one way to find out.

I turn and look at Andrea.

Andrea: No.

Jimin: Oh come on.

Andrea: Jimin, I do not know this girl. I can't just be like " hey, I know you don't know who I am, but can I have some of your blood to do a spell to see if you are the mate to my vampire friend?" She'll think I'm insane!

Taehyung: We'll figure this out later. But now we need to get to class.

I sigh and run my hands through my hair.

Jimin: Fine. I'll see you guys at lunch.

They both nod their heads and we make our way to our next class.

~Y/Ns POV~

Art was my next class and I was exited for this class.

As soon as I walk into the room I see that Megan girl from earlier.

Once she notices me she smiles and signals for me to come and sit next to her.

Megan: I didn't know we had art together. This will be so fun. And don't worry, the teacher is really chill.

Y/N: That's good.

I watch as her smile slowly fades.

Out of curiosity I look in the direction she was looking in and saw a very attractive guy walk in.

He looks at Megan and then our eyes met.

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