Chapter 7: Complications

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~Brittni's POV~

I couldn't believe he was standing in front of me. It's been over two hundred years since I last saw him.

His shirt and mouth were covered in blood.

He pulls away from me.

Brittni: What are you doing here?

Jackson: Is that anyway to great an old friend?

He smiles at me and opens his arm.

Not waiting another second, I smile and hug him tightly.

He uses one of his hands to play with my hair.

Jackson: It's been a long time Brittni. I've missed you.

Brittni: I know. I've missed you too.

I pulled away and looked into his eyes.

Jackson: Well I'm quite hungry since someone took my food.

Brittni: Sorry..

Jackson: You owe me new blood.

Brittni: I-

Girl: Babe?

We both turn our heads in the direction of the females voice.

It was a couple of miles a way but we could hear it very easily.

Jackson: Shall we?

I turn my head and see his eyes already a dark red.

I nod my head and we both speed towards the direction the voice came from.

Once there we stood behind a tree and saw her looking around.

I assume the man I killed was her boyfriend.

Jackson stats to walk towards her but I stop him.

He gives me a questioning look.

Brittni: I owe you remember? I'll do it.

He gives me a grin then I start walking towards the girl.

Once she sees me, relief spreads across her face.

Her heart was beating loudly and the smell of blood that ran through her veins was strong.

She stands right in front of me and grabs my hand.

She doing so sends a sudden wave of anger through my body.

Girl: My boyfriend.. he- AHHHHHHH!!!!

~Jimin's POV~


I sigh and rub my temples.

Finally the last class of the day was over.

I'm starving. I didn't feed yesterday so that's what I plan on doing right after school.

Also I gave Y/N a week to pack her things. No longer.

That is if I can last a week.

Then after that she'll be all mine.

I'll be able to protect her and keep an eye on her at all times.

I must admit that I am a little nervous. I mean she's gonna be living in a house full of blood thirsty vampires.

But what I'm most worried about is my sister.

I know she promised me that she wouldn't do anything to Y/N, but out of everyone in that house, Brittni is the most dangerous when it comes to humans.

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