Chapter 3: Park Jimin

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Grandma: Y/N, it's time to go to sleep.

Y/N: But I'm not tired yet.

Grandma: A little girl like you shouldn't be up this late.

Y/N: Well can you tell me a story?

Grandma: What kind of story?

Y/N: The one with the girl falling in love with that vampire.

My grandma always smiles when I ask her to tell that story.

Grandma: I've told you this story so many time.

Y/N: I know, but it's my favorite.

Grandma: Okay. But you have to go to sleep when I'm done okay?

I nod as I get under the covers.

Grandma: Long ago there was this teenage girl who lived on her parents farm in a small town. She was a simple girl who never did anything wrong. She always did as her parents told her and never made a bad grade. Well one night she went outside to get some fresh air after she had been studying hard for a test that was coming up. As she was walking she didn't realize that she was going off of the path and got lost in the woods. She wasn't necessarily scared of the dark, but more so of what was in the dark. All of a sudden she heard a noise that scared her so much that she started to run as fast as her legs could take her. She ran and ran until her legs gave up on her and she fell, scraping her hand in the process. She sat there and cried while holding her bloody hand, hoping that someone would come to help her. All that could be heard were her poor sobs. That was until a voice of a boy caught her attention. "Hello? Are you alright?" The boy asked the girl. She looks up at the boy a little frightened at first, but when she made eye contact with him.. it was like magic. The boys eyes were glowing red, but she wasn't scared for some reason. Instead, all of her fears had suddenly vanished as if they were never there to begin with. "You're hurt." He speaks again. The girl didn't know what to say. She didn't want to look away from the beautiful boy that was in front of her just in case he would suddenly disappear. All of a sudden the boy kneeled next to the girl and took her injured hand, licking at the blood that was there. She jumped at first not because she was scared, but because the feeling was like energy flowing through her body. She had never felt anything like it in her entire life. Once he pulled away the girl felt a sudden sense of loneliness.

Y/N: Why wasn't she scared? I mean she should at least be weirded out.

Grandma: Even though she had just met him she felt like she could trust him more than anyone in the whole world. He helped her get back home that night and never told anyone what had happened. The next night she went back into the woods hoping that she would see him again. But once she had gotten there she had found him already waiting for her. That night he told her his secret about being a vampire and it made her fall for him even more. Night after night they would meet and talk about their days and how much they cared for one another. She was his mate. They loved each other for many years but they could never have children. At least not with the girl still being human. She wanted kids more than anything but he refused to make her what he was. A vampire. Or as he called it a "monster". Even though the girl would smile he knew she was unhappy about not being able to start a family. She was getting older while he stayed young and beautiful. He knew how much she wanted kids and he didn't want her to miss out on that opportunity. So one day he decided that it was best to let her go. Of course neither of them wanted that but in the end it was for the best.

Y/N: That's such a sad ending. Do they ever see each other again.

Grandma: Rumor has it that he would sometimes watch after her while she slept and payed her visits in her dreams.

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