Chapter 4: Andrea

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~326 Years ago, 1692. Andreas POV~


That was all we saw as my grandmother and I hid from the horrible things coming our way.

I could feel the terror coming from my grandmothers body.

Grandma: Andrea.

I lift my head and look into her eyes.

Andrea: Yes?

Grandma: I need you to run.

Andrea: What? N-No. I can't just leave you. I-

She grabs my hands and I feel a sudden shock.

My eyes widened.

Andrea: What did you do?

She looks at me with sad eyes.

Grandma: I gave you my powers.

Andrea: But why? I already have power and you-

Grandma: Run as fast as you can.

Andrea: I-


The door flings open and revealed a mob of people standing in the doorway.


Grandma: RUN ANDREA!

Andrea: I'm not leaving you!

All of a sudden a man with a knife starts to run towards me.

Anger started to take over my body.

Who the fuck does this person think he is?

Now I'm pissed.

I hold my hand out towards the man and clenched my fist, causing him to stop.

He then starts to hold his throat and starts coughing up red. He was choking on his own blood.

Since I was so focused on him I didn't notice the person behind me.

I feel a sudden pain on the back of my head and then everything went black.

Man: Burn her!

My eyes flutter open and I try my best to look at my surroundings.

I see my grandmother tied up against a wooden pole and I started to panic.

Andrea: Grandma!

She looks into my eyes and gives me a sad smile.

Grandma: Everything will be fine.

A man walks up to her with a lit torch and I start to cry.

Andrea: No please!!

The man throws the torch at her and her body went up in flames.

Andrea: NO!!

I screamed so loud that everyone started to cover their ears. The glass around shattered and houses started to catch on fire.


I cried and cried, just wanting to give up. I don't have a reason to live if I have no one. My grandmother was the only person I had and now she was gone.

My grandmother and I were the only witches still alive and now my kind will come to an end.

I let my head fall down and continued to cry as the man poured what smelled like alcohol on me.

The man lit the torch on fire and started to walk towards me.

This is it. This is how I die.

Man: The last living witch.

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