Chapter 11: Megan

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~4 Years ago, Megan's POV, Freshman year~

I was walking around the library when I heard a few people talk about some new kids that were coming to our school.

Girl 1: I heard that they were super cute. And that two of them have girlfriends.

Girl 2: I heard that too.

Boy 1: I bet the girls are total babes.

Boy 2: Rumor has it that the boy named Yoongi caught some guy staring at his girlfriend and then he went missing.

Girl 3: Well let's go and see if we can find them.

They all nod and leave the library.

I sigh and continue to look through the books.

Finally after minutes of searching, I find the book that I was looking for.

I stand on my tiptoes and try to reach the book. But because I was so short, I couldn't grab it.

??: Need some help?

The sound of a deep voice causes me to jump a little.

I turn my head and see a tall brown haired boy standing there, smiling at me.

I must admit that I did find his dimples very adorable.

Before I could say anything, he reaches up and grabs the book, then handing it to me.

I don't know why but I could feel myself start to blush.

Megan: Thank you..

He smiles and nods.

??: I'm Namjoon by the way.

Megan: I'm Megan.

Namjoon: So Megan, mind showing me around?

He must be one of the new students.

Megan: Sure.

As I show him around, we became closer in that time.


I sigh at the awful sound of the bell.

Namjoon: Well I'll see you around Megan.

I smile and nod my head.

Now to class.

~Time Skip To Lunch~

Once I get to the cafeteria, I make my way to the back table where I usually sit everyday.


I look around the room and see everyone talking and laughing with their friends.

I sigh and take out the book that I had gotten earlier.

??: Mind if we sit here?

I look up from my book and see Namjoon standing alone.

Megan: We?

??: There you are Namjoon. We've been looking everywhere for you.

I look up and see a blonde haired girl.

She looks at me and smiles.

??: Hi! I'm Andrea.

I smile and give her a small wave.

Megan: Megan.

Soon, six guys and one other girl come and sit down at my table.

As time went by, I grew closer to Andrea and especially Namjoon.

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